Thank you for making our holiday so cool. Best holiday i ever had !! Shame it was sooooo short. Well back to sunny darlo back to work... Oh joy
Take care
Sarah Bombarah
Hey Guys! Just wanna say! Have fun at Take That without me! BOO HOO!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Sarah Bombarah!
Now then, now then my monkey in crime! I finally get a message do i! Your so naughty! LA is the next place yes and you ought to be jealous too! Make sure you girls arrange to come to Darlo for my birthday when i return! Additionally tell Miss Mannering i no love her no more as she hasnt said hello to me yet! Love to you as always and i hope everything is ok! xxxxx
Sarah Bombarah
Hey Guys!!! Thank you all for your lovely messages! I have finally updated my journal so take a look! I remembered this bit of advise and thought it might help some of you guys at home!! You know who you are!
My advise is to have a Smile Therapy Day!!!
"If your feeling super crappy, crabby, or cranky, smile like crazy at everyone. Small children, small animals, and adults of all sizes will smile back at you, this may make you feel lots better. However if your utterly depressed and stressed: whats even cooler is that this will actually make you feel and look like a raving lunatic and slightly retarded, which is kinda demented but really really fun and will defnately make you feel better"
Keep smiling and i'm thinking of you all!!! xxxx
Hey hun bun-Sounds to me like ur havin a fab time & I'm so happy for u. (yes jealous too! he he!) Next step LA-ur gonna love it! Have fun & take care monk. MWAAAAAAA x
hey girlie me again, just read and looked at your pics. the ones in florida are brill! yes i got my work done, well i spoke to you anyways. im looking for a house now!!! woo hoo. say hi to rad for me when you get back to miami. love ya xxx
Hi hun how is Orlando hope it is fun and dont go snogging Mickey mouse he he. Got sum news about matalan! will tell all next time im on here. Hope you having fun anyways im going ho,e this weekend to show my uni mates the delights of Darlington and escapades woo hoo he he. If bex reads this hope you had a nice hol in gran canaria!
Take care hun get lots of pics, speak to you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Laura (The Howard!)
Hey there Sarah! Glad that you are having such an awesome time, was just at home at it was well bizarre without you there. No you and no Owens! :( Back in Oxford now with the usual dramas - well looking forward to finishing Uni although today has been a massively unproductive day! - Gutted. Im so glad that you have embarked on this adventure - it sounds like a real blast and just what you needed and deserved. All my love sweetie - Keep enjoying it. x x x x x x x x
Sarah Bombarah
hi guys! just to let you all know i'm safe in orlando! no time to update yet but having a great time! Nice one about the job terrance!!!! Hi Debs! Hope your all ok! Kisses to everyone xxxxx
Auntie Debs
Hiya looks like you are having a ball! Need to have a good look round your web site thought! Heard your friend is coming to Dysney with youu nice one! Loads of love Sara we will all keep in touch ps seeing your mam tonight will give her a kiss for you xxxx
i got a job!!!! yey!!!!! at the dickens, the pub near uni. I start tonight so il let u know how it goes. speak soon love to u and raddykins. mwah x
Well hello miss moo, sorry we got cut off this morning! Anyway it was lovely to hear from you and I wish I was there, On the verge of dissertation suicide but it will all be over in 6 weeks,wohooo. So, missing you lots and Ill speak to you soon xxxx