hey there big sis well whata week with everything going on my car window cracked richard had his window put out on his his batterie went flat and he had to get a new one his exhaust blew so another 100 pounds there then to top things off my central locking broke so i cant lock mine f in brilliant eh well tink god hates me at the min never mind. glad you ok and getting sorted i got my 8 pounds back off you to pay for petrol as after this week of madness i have no money and now no holiday money so had to sorry anyway love you lots emzy xxxxxx
hey ho bomberah. So just got my exam result and u'l never guess 100% for me!!!! im so bloody pleased with myself was almost smug for a second but then realised that iv got 2x 3500 essays due in the next 5 weeks so im in the library again, i may be a year behind her but i know how cat feels. and iv got a presentation on self harm and suicide to do in 2 weeks time so if worst comes to worst that should cheer me up a bit. Iv got man flu at the mo so coughing and sneezing all over the lecture theatre was not embarrasing at all and it horrid and cold and rainy. im so bloody jealous of u. i wish i was in hawaii id even join u in a itchy grass skirt just for some sun. only 6 weeks to go tho and il b in tacky old magaluf, dont pretend ur not jealous now. speak soon honey bun. x
Allo ha lady in a grass skirt hula hula hula. How is Hawaii hun? hope you having a hula tastic time!! he he i cark myself up sometimes he he. Me just in the..... guess.... libary again! it will be for the last time ever on Wednesday i cant wiat he he. Still writing about blooming bread. R ugoing to try and surf the waves? that will be really cool. send the oics if you try it. Hope the money situation ok. when you go to aus you'll have no probs finding a job apparently theres loads. My friends are fruit picking at the mo near syndneey i think then they go to hawaii too. Been home this weekend it was poo. Cant wait till you get back. Im trying to find a job at the mo temporary probs end up at capita with Liz Darg recruitment he he. Im confused by what you are doing in aus? are you on your own now or with owens? right got to pop a picture of a bap and baton are looking at me speak to you soon hun love ya lots and lots lickle me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi baby glad you've arrived safely in Hawaii. I'm dead jealous. take lots of pics. Well we've had a hectic weekend doing you know what. The grans are fine dotty as ever but there you go!! Its peed it down all weekend and is still doing so now so dam its Monday and no washing can be done!!That will put the whole week out now. Grandma wont know what day it is now never mind which planet. Going to see Aunty Debs tommorrow night as its Michaels birthday on Wednesday so i'll say hello for you. Anyways speak to you soon take care baby and make sure you wear knickers under that grass skirt !!! Love you lots Mummy xxxxxxxx
Sarah Bombarah
Hey all! Just thought id update you on the situation! The money situation is still quite bad but i managed to get myself a job i Sydney and ive also met a girl that lives there and will be travelling around so if worst comes to worst she says i can stay with her, travel with her and she also said that she might be able to spin me a job in her uncles fruit shop. So i might just be ok now! I'm just gonna suck it and see! I gotta get there at least so watch this space! I'm sooooo excited that your moving home cat we will be partners in crime for the whole summer! woopie do! you can drive me around all the time cos i aint gonna have a car haha! Terrance i would have panicked in the exam if that was me but you always do fine anyways! So i'm off to pearl harbour today so i better dash! I'm so happy here in hawaii its beautiful! Love to you all! miss you all heapes!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya petal. Was speaking to ur blokey last night and finally things are a little clearer. Dave txt me the other day after speaking to u on msn telling me to check my emails cos i had an urgent one from u but there was nothing and i still aint recieved a mail. anyway spoke to tom on msn last night and he explained what the mail would of said if id got it. im glad cos i was starting to worry. Sorry i cant help but i suppose ud expect nothing less from me. Tom also said that things have changed with meeting up with owens, a little wierd cos i thought u werent in oz that long anyway. I had an exam yesterday and there was a mix up with one of the q's so we thpought it might b a re-sit for the whole uni but luckily they've just decided to discount the question. il let u know the outcome. well best go do some essay work or il fail the course whatever the exam result. hope ur ok. speak soon cos im worried bout u. hope ur still having as much fun as u can. love ya. x
Hi hun hows you? ive just had a look at your pictures they are fab. I want to go to the grand canyon.
Im just in the lib doing my last assignment on blooming bread and how it is regionally discovered. how poo.
I got your email hun but you know me skint as usual he he. I dont even have any left on my credit crad. I hope you are ok and dont have to come home. in a good way not that i dont want you to come home he he. you know what i mean. The weather here has gone from nice to drastic storms and rain i nearly got blew away yesterday. he he. What have you been upto this week? Big brother starts tonight woo hoo. i hope its good this week.
Well got to pop chick sorry im so boring but i really dont have any goss or anything i dont really speak to anyone except miss howard. oh im moving back home now next week. Theres been a recruitment freeze or summet at matalan oh well. So i'll be your party partner in escapades every week he he i love darlo!!!!
okey dokey take care hun keep having lots of fun love ya love little mexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sarah Bombarah
Hey all! All pics are now up so take a look! Found a really quick computer at last! Woopee!!! Anyways, i'm gonna update journal again on friday so until then....over and out xxxx
Sarah Bombarah
Hey all! Just about to set off to San Francisco! Woo Hoo! I'm going camping in Yosemite so i might get eatern by a bear!!! Anyways just in case you didnt realise i have actually done two journal updates one for san diego and one for san jose! some of you were getting confused as to why it says continued (thats because it is!!) anyways sorry to confuse! Its mothers day here so Happy Mothers Day mummy seen as though i'm an American for the time being! Hope your all ok! and not stressing too much (unlikely) i'm thinking of you all and have my fingers, toes and everything crossed! for those finishing soon! Red Bull fueled all nighters are the best! Miss you all loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well miss Monkey you left me!! Im back home and well... missing you already!!
I hope you are having fun in San Diego!
well hello me dear. Look like ur having a blast. I was sat in the library this morning hand writing out all the notes from my presentation cos it wouldnt print and i was thinking just how bloody jealous i am of u right now. The weekend was good tho, Rich was highly embarrassed by the pics but we had fun. although the girl that came out with dave kissed one of the other girls that was out and then went home with tai so that was a bit random. Oh and mission successful, I got back with mark and iv never been so happy, he is like the ideal boyfriend so watch this space. May have found myself someone lovely that doesnt let me walk all over him we'll see. Not much else to tel cos i haven't seen anyone and im working tomight and again tomoro cos of the big middlesbrough match not that u'l know anything about that but its boring anyway. speak soon munchkin. byeeeee for now. x
hi baby hope you are ok. Feel like ive not been on holiday now boo hoo!! Back to the grind. The Grans are ok doing the usual things . Yesterday being Monday the washing was done!!!! and on Saturday they bought some light bulbs !!! Wow no wonder you are home sick!!!! On Sunday i nearly had a fit. You know how I am with wasps well this will make you laugh! Woke up and thought something crawling on my back. Wellllll there was a great F.... Off wasp. Arrrgh couldn't move or scream incase it moved and stung me. Dezzie to the rescue who thought it was highly amusing. Good god first fish grabbing me then wasps. I'll be a nervous wreck soon. Anyways speak to you soon. Love You and miss you xxxxxxx