Hi hun, how is your day today? anymore wild parties and celebs? Im just at the lib doing my assignment its bloomin boiling in here i feel sweaty and yukky and its only 10am! he he This is just a little message again im afraid i told you everything on the phone he he. Well keep smiling and dont miss everyone at home just think of yourself and how much fun your having. You;ll see everyone whne you get back and we'll all be the same just not stressed out with work! I wish i was there too id love to party as much as you guys are. 'come on come on come on take that and party!' he he Right got to pop my assignment is calling me he he. Love you lots and lots enjoy yourself hun speak to you soon again love little me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi hun my little munch bunch, love the pics your body is fab. Just a little msg i will write props 2moz. Miss ya lots love caterpillar XXXXXX
Hey lovely lady, Hope that the home sickness is subsiding, I totally know what its like but stick it out love. Darlo will be Darlo and when you get back it will be exactly the same, I promise you...
You are having and making memories that will always be with you and you will hold dear and when you get back not a day will go by that you dont think or make reference to them.
People miss you, we miss you, ofcourse we do, but its not long and then we will have a blast all catching up and hearing about your adventure.... Head up love, Stay strong... We all love you and are pleased that you are on this adventure.
All my love Laura xxxxx
Sarah Bombarah
Sorry about the pics guys! They are taking forever to post up! I will explain laters! How cool are the pics of me and deeka looking hot hot hot!!! Might go blonde! What do you think!!!! Over and out for now buddies and i will try again laters!!!! I got about 200 odd pics so take a look when i get chance to post em!!! xxxxx
wish u were here at the mo mrs. i mean im glad ur not cos ur havin the time of ur life but its just a bit poo here. Dave and darren are trying to set mark up with a girl they work with who although admittedly is a bit of a w**** is a u bloody underwar model on the side and all they all keep sayin is how amazingly georgous she is and how much she likes fal. grrrrr!!!! obviously im not bothered 1 bit.the worst thing is these guys are meant to b my mates. they would never dream of setting me up with a guy from work cos they know how much it would upset fal so y is it ok the other way round. they r evil pigs and must be destroyed!!!!! anyway thats enough of my rant. and i hear on ye old grapevine that ur having a better time so hope thats true. speak soon munchkin. x
Sarah Bombarah
Hey everyone from VEGAS! the city of dreams (yes it is) this is only a quick message to say i am alive and well haha! still homesick and terri and mummy you just made me cry again! naughty people! well i'm feeling a little better after your words of wisdom so i am going to snap out of it and enjoy this trip 100%!!!! I will update my journal etc.... very soon when i find a cafe that has the internet for a little cheaper than this! So everything is amazing here and loving every minute! Catch you laters alligators!!!! xxxxxx love to everyone xxxxxxxxx
hi baby! just me again. Terry's right at least your not in sunny Darlington. I'm back from sunny Eqypt and I know where i'd rather be!!!! (even though the food is bad and they like bombing everywhere). This is a once in a life time trip and when its over we'll all still be here having been no where and seen nothing(or very little anyway). keep smiling girl and enjoy every minute you wont get the time again. Once the humdrum of life settles back on you you'll wish you were back there and be needing another holiday!!!! Remember Hawaii next. Wow I'm still waiting!!! Dezzie is realy jealous says your really lucky seeing all the volcanos etc. (i think my idea of Hawaii is different from his!!!! you know what i mean)Anyway darling take care and hope to speak to you soon lots of love and kisses XXXXXXXX
Well Mrs. Hope ur ok and very much hope uv cheered up since last time we spoke cos however poop LA is compared to Miami it stil aint bloody Darlington or Middlesbrough is it. Although i do get that ur homesick who wouldn't miss lovely me. Im so tired this morning, have worked every night since thurs in the pub cos of bank hol and now im sat in the library sincce half 8 but theres no point me being in uni cos i cant find the room numbers for my lectuures, BOOOOO! I dont even get a rest this weekend cos its richards 21st, can u believe its the time of year again when ur the same age as my baby brother. Iv got loads of embarrasing baby pics of him that are going the wall. il mail u some pics of the antics next week. Take care cheeky chops. speak soon.
Sarah Bombarah
Sorry about all the pics guys!!! Not had time to say what they are! So yes Tom they look like peoples front gates but they are actually the homes of the stars! Will do it soon!
Missing everyone so much!!! xxxxxx
Hey hun wowww Take that were amazing hun they were the best ever. Apparently rumour has it Robbie is actually going to perform with them inh manchester so im trying to get more tickets he he. How are you? Me searching for somewhere to live at the mo. pooey. The stage in the middle of the arena came down and they were right next to us especially han from uni. It was class. I think Jason loves me i saw him wink !! he he i wish! Well hope you are still having lots of fun hun missing you lots wish you could have shared the experience too. Miami is better tho he he. Love ya chick a dee speak soon xxxxxxxxx
Yes I am officially poop but we all kno that! As for mannering-she has more of an excuse as is workin 7 days a wk! I've not spoken to her in ages either-let alone u across the sea!! Shud hopefully catch up with her this wk (altho we've been saying this for wks now!) but will send your love & read her all the wicked stuff you've been up to! Yes we will arrange comin up. Plus Amo will be livin with her sis in hove (nr brighton) for while until she get sorted so reunions in brighton me thinks too??! (not quite miami he he!) Have an amazing time gibbon. Love u lots (I a u) x x
Oh my god....Take That were inspirational!!! it was officially the best night of my life ever. I screamed so loud i popped my own ears and today i cannot speak. It was lovely to speak to u the other night too...finally and hear how ur doin keep having fun and we'l speak soon. lots of international hugs and kisses flyin over to u.