Well hello- at last i am able to get on the internet! I'm now in singapore so i have to update this thing so that i can let you all know how very scary but wonderful at the same time hong kong was! So.... ummm trying to remember everything is a nightmare if i dont keep on top of this thing...anyways i had a nice flight from oz and took in some movies ive been dying to see (March of the Penguins and Brokeback Mountain!!) and i finally got to Hong Kong after a 3.5 hour delay! Typical! The only time i need to get in before dark and i'm delayed! Never mind though cos i found my way to the hotel which i must say was spectacular. Not the best location but i was upgraded to the deluxe suite for free too! haha! I had my own living room area, flat screen tv, double bed with duvet (at last) own bubble bath and shower, mini bar and even robe and slippers! Heaven! and no complaints! I had such a nice nights sleep i actually think its the best ive had since i been away! The next day i went out to venture and oh my god what a nightmare. My poor heart has taken a battering! Ive never been so frightened in my entire life! I didnt even venture that far at first but i think the mixture of lots of people, the heat, the language and everything was just slightly overwhelming for me! It then started raining and when that happens its even worse because even though i'm not the tallest of people the chinese are obviously a lot shorter and of course when there umbrellas come up they are literally the height of sarahs poor eyes that were being stabbed in all directions! Definately a good weapon! Sharp but definately a good weapon of choice! In the end i started to have a panic attack (literally!) couldnt breath and couldnt find a paper bag so i sat in the rain and sobbed like a baby! Not good! But, help was at hand! What is the one thing every country in teh world has in common? The BIG MAC! oh yes! i saw McDonalds and dashed inside as fast as my legs would carry me! Felt a lot safer and much more at ease then! After i spoke to a very tired mummy (it was 5.30 in the morning at home- oops!) i managed to pull myself together and headed back to the hotel to conjure up a plan of action! I decided to do the simplest thing of trying out the mtr (subway!) just going a few stops and looking around and then if i got lost i could always just hop straight back on and then be home again! So thats what i did! I managed it like a big girl (still very claustrophobic though!) and headed to tst for a bit of window shopping on nathan road- i managed to get a 1gb memory card for my camera for 18 squid! BARGAIN! Thats all i bought though unfortunately (actually thats a lie- i bought some deodrant - but thats not very interesting really!) I saw many gorgeous hand bags which were too temptingly cheap but i managed to steer clear. I then went to the Ladies market and the park for a stroll and ended up in Mong Kok market which again made me feel slightly panicked. That was enough for one day so i went back to the hotel to give my heart a rest! I had a small rest and decided to go back out to watch the light show acroos the harbour. I went to look at the avenue of stars (basically a much nicer version of the walk of fame) which is on the Kowloon side of hk and bought a choc chip frappachino from starbucks and reserved myself a seat with the best view of the harbour. It was perfect until i was accosted my two unsightly men who took it upon themselves to talk to me, ask me for coffee and try get my number and email from me! Weirdos! I pretended i didnt speak much english so they b*****ed off quite quickly! Phewee! The light show was spectacular and definatley the highlight of my day! I then went to get the mtr back but somehow i ended up taking a wrong turn and ended up in east bumber@##! somewhere! Typical! Why is it that i can manage to lose myself so easily! So i started to worry again as no one understood me and just walked in teh flow of people talking to good old terrance for support! Thanks chick! You always bring me some kind of luck! I finally found it and manged to get homeonce again! When i got back I decided that the best way to see all the major places was to book a tour for the following day (that way i couldnt get lost!) So i got up at stupid o clock for my tour! I had an awesome day though and saw a lovely temple (when i remember the name i will tell you!) where i made a wish and burnt inscence. We then when up the peak in a tram that was heart stoppingly steep! It was cool though! The view was a bit rubbish from the very top as it was foggy but not to mind i had a nice stroll and did a loop walk and then we moved on to repulse bay (beach!) aberdeen fishing village (i went on a little boat around the village!) and then stanley market! When we got to stanley the sun finally came out and oh my god i wished so hard for it to go back in- the heat was so stiffling i was dripping with sweat and looking mighty gorgeous to say the least! i had a quick look around and then went and sat the the nicest coolest place which happend to be my favourite- haagan daz! yummy! Question: why is it that i always get picked up first for everyting but dropped off last! Its so annoying!! Everywhere i have been in the world this has happened! Sorry- just had to rant for a second! Anyways i had a little nap in the evening and decided to venture out again. GO ME! I went over to Central on the ferry (which is a must!) and then went to Lang Kwai Fong (the nightlife areas!) it was so cool cos the football was on and the streets were jammed full of people. I sat in a lovely var and had a few mai tais and some mandarin duck (which blew my mouth off but was amazing!) and then i took a stroll to the mid way elevators. I have never seen something so cool ever! These elevators are massive and totally strange. I went down to the bottom and then caught a double decker tram back to the mtr station. I finally managed to figure out the subway though and on the way back i stopped at temple street market and had a browse but no purcahses made! Ive decided that if i have time and money left before coming home i might do some shopping in singapore! We shall see though! Anyways i got home and was totally pooped to say the least and fell straight to sleep still fully clothed. oops! i had to get up early teh next day for my flight so it didnt really matter- never mind! And that brings me to now really! My flight was short but scary in the end but i will tell you all about taht in a couple of days..........anyways chaps i think thats all for now! If i think of more i will add it! I shall speak to you all soon and see most of you in three weeks time (how bloody exciting!)
over and out xxxxxxxxxxx
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