Hey all! Just a quick note to say a big hello to everyone. Deeka i cant beleive you wanna go live in LA- why o why???? Say hello to ange and kenny for me from Kathy of course! I'm doing ok here but nothing at all to update in a journal unfortunately because ive practically done bott all all week! I dont know whether its a combination of really bad weather, feeling ill or stressing about money!(we had the most rainfall in 3 days that sydney has had in three years - yum lovely!) This meant that the kitchen flooded and so cochroaches went for a swim with the mushed up food. again very yummy indeed! It also meant no electricity for one whole day which was a nighthmare because we had no lights, no showers no kitchen etc... i was gutted and ready to leave! Ive also been a little ill in the last few days (thanks owens your a star for spreading me your diseases!) So all in all its been a pretty poop week! Really ready to leave here now- bring on sunday!! Made some enlightening decisions this week too so i have a lot on my mind that i need to sort out when i get back but its all good! Cant wait to get back to Naafi - hey Julie and the gang if your reading this i cant wait to see you all again soon! So anyways congratualtions to all you guys that have finally finished uni or are about to! Youve all done so well so party hard cos you deserve it! About time though! Cant wait to see you all in July. Let me know whos around so we can arrange some good old darlo nights out or maybe a venture to newcastle or leeds (once i have money that is!) Only 28 days to go and i'm very excited about coming home but at the same time a little nervous (who knows why!) I'm a big puff really! At least i managed my whole trip though! A year away would have killed me and drove me to a nervous breakdown i think. Get better soon emz i hope the hospital werent too nasty pasty to you and mother is looking after you well! Also congrats on the new job your big sis is very very proud of you! I'm so glad your happy and finally finding your feet! Tell richie i need to have a chat with him when i return!! mwah hahahahah! Terrance i wish you would stop telling me your losing weight too cos i'm still gonna look chubs compared to you now. Your a waff best friend you should be fat and ugly hahahaha! Its not fair! At least your gonna look good for magaluf! Let me know when your back exactly and if you want me to meet you from the airport or anything! Cat i'm so pleased everything is good with you and gaz! Snakey Daines and Amooo thanks for the messages tell that mannering she is even more dumped now hahaha! REUNION!!!!! Miss Smith ive tried calling you a few times with no such luck so i'm hoping you havent jumped off a cliff or something in despair and that your ok please try let me know! At least i will be back for your birthday! Miss Howard have a wonderful birthday if i dont speak to you soon oh! you too dainesy! (even more reason for a get together!) Thomas you probably wont read this far down but just in case you do! I'm very disapointed in your lack of absence when i get back! What sort of boyfriend are you hahahaha! Anyways i will speak to you laters today proabably! Sorry if ive missed anyone out! Love to everyone as always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ps Jodie, i will see you tommorrow night! I have free drinks available at Bourbon between 6 and 10 if you wanna go there first! It can be too late of a night for me cos i gotta be up at 7am on saturday to do the cleaning! Nightmare! Cant wait to see you chick xxxxxxx
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