It's my last day in Australia :( Tomorrow morning I leave at 11:50 am on Qantas Airlines for Beijing. I got back to Sydney last week, after I almost had to stay in Canberra for another night (the horror!) since Greyhound messed up my booking. BUT i did get back eventually. Keir has been nice enough to let me stay at his place till I leave, so in exchange for monetary rent I have been doing some laundry and i even made dinner one night...well sort of.
I got back just in time for Australia Day...a day where Australians get to celebrate everything that makes them great! For us, that included eating Vegemite sandwiches (which i actually liked!), watching the Australian Open, and contemplating going to Darling Harbour to see the fireworks...but just falling asleep instead. All in all, i felt pretty Australian :)
I have put up some photos as well, there is even one of the vegemite lunch! The first photos are of the Melbourne Botanical Gardens, I went there on my last day in Melbourne. They were very nice and I even saw black swans...which are only native to Australia...i think? I also put up my photos of Canberra, including the massive red ants I hung out with...very exciting. I went to the Sydney Aquarium last week, which beat the Boston Aquarium by a landslide! Hopefully my photos show how awesome it was, I also took some nice videos but this website wont let me upload them, so for now I can only enjoy them. I also got in for free because I had a friends 3 month pass, always a nice perk. The rest of my time has just been spent trying to relax and soak up as much of that Sydney feeling as I can before i leave! I have loved being in Australia, and I definitely feel very settled here in Sydney, so I am not looking forward to saying my goodbyes. Tonight, I'm meeting up with Holly for the last time and tomorrow I will have to say goodbye to Keir, and although I do have Asia to look forward to (and be nervous for!) it will still be hard.
I'm not really sure when I will get to go on the internet again, but I will be in Beijing for three days and then I am heading off to the Great Wall of China. There will definitely be plenty of new pictures and interesting stories to come!
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