Good news true believers, my card has been unblocked, i leave today! I must admit, at one point during my dark musings over being stranded here, i was convinced this impossible town in the mountains would be my tomb. Every time i would attempt to leave, some unforeseen situation would hamper my plans, my indomitable, restless spirit was being sorely tested. The truth of the matter is, it was me V fate, there could only be one outcome, im just glad fate bowed out graciously before things turned ugly.
I´ve noticed you get pretty darn drunk {easily} up this high. I´ve grown quite fond of the local liqueur, Mezcal, ill bring you c*** back a few bottles.
Yeah, yesterday was my first instance of possible questionable judgement. Personaly i liked the girl, my friends however, thought i was making a mistake. I dunno, i feel my judgement was sound but you never know, my rule coupled with my prolonged proximity to Mexican women is a recipe for unglamorous memories better left in Mexico - the girl was not Mexican. I have noticed though, that i have begun referring to every quasi-attractive girl as beautiful, as with most things, beauty is just comparative - so all you filthy looking girls should come to Mexico. It´s not even my standards that have lowered, its my expectations. So yeah, maybe in England nothing would of happened, but i feel a lot more honest in Mexico so maybe it should. So yeah, to sum it up, im either getting less shallow or desperate. f***, im making this poor girl sound a like a monster; personally, i thought she was quite good lookin´, but she was more my type than she was the other guys´.
Who knows, maybe next time you see me, ill be a better person - i hope not though, i would be such a f***** if i came back hippie. Do expect a tatoo and earing though.
Before you get too excited, no, i didn´t rag her. Its not due to lack of trying, her will was strong, mine was drunk, she won....meh.
Cya b****es.
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