Well, as you can probably guess, my picture of San Cristobal is definitly not what in looks like, in reality. I am very high up in the mountains, and to be honest, i want to get down. It´s kinda cold, and i want to see Guatemala - however, due to unforseen circumstance, i am forced to stay a few more days than i would wish. My card has been blocked, again, by this point i pretty much hate Natwest. Anyway, i would like to disclose some information, personal thoughts and feelings, to you, my friends :). At the begining of this trip, i made a pact with myself, that sacred and unbreakable promise, was to not w***. Simple, and unexpected i know, however, if you bear with me for a few mintues i will explain to you the method to my madness. While it is enjoyable, masturbating is actually extremely unconstructive. How and why you ask. Well, if you regularly satisfy your lust in this way, women become an easily ignored luxury. However, if you refrain then women become an unadvoidable necessity. I probably wouldnt recommend doing this at home, as you would soon find yourself labled a lech, but on the other side of the world, where no one knows your name, you can pretty much do what the f*** you want. Dont worry, I havnt done anything im embarassed off. Coming here has actually been very theraputic, I have recovered my will to speak to every single person i see. I´m pretty much going to annoy the f*** of you when i get home.
Anyway, im off on a tour now - by tour i mean a speed boat through a crocodile infested canyon. Also, i´ve decided im going to get a crocodile tooth earing, im gonna look like a f***ing fag.
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