Another enjoyable, short drive.
ughh.. !!!
Had written full entry and went to save and publish and it disappeared!
will try again....
We arrived at M&A's nice apartment in the Oliver neigbourhood 3 km from downtown Edmonton. Matthew took us for a walk to the river valley. What a spectacular view. Edmonton is beautiful! Matthew took us on a tour of the downtown core where we saw his office building. After picking up Amanda from the Fairmont following her breakfast shift. She is an incredible chef! They took us to Famoso for delectable pizza and we strolled along Whyte AVE...not Avenue...We then drove to the prestigious neighbourhood of Glenora, reminiscent of the Kingsway in Toronto and Carmel in California.
Enjoying time with Matthew and Sophie(cat with cute personality) while we wait for Amanda to finish work. They have a full itinerary planned for our week's stay!!! River cruise along the North Saskatchewn River this afternoon.
- comments
marianne friends...hope your necks are not hurting due to inability to orient photos.. will publish photos when phone connects with wifi. love having you along! please continue to tell us how you are doing!
Brian / Karen Hello ...sounds like a fun road trip so far.Say hi to Matt and Amanda for us. Your not missing much weather wise here , lots of rain for next days ahead. My ghost pepper plants will be water logged. Enjoy your say in Edmonton. Cheers
Nancy Lol. I can't rate this blog beyond 4 stars. A glitch? Hope it's good weather. We got hail. Friends have 12 holes in their siding last night! Insurance claims are going to be high. We were spared the damage. Just a little bit of pea size hail.
Ramzi Looking forward to straightening my head. Glad to read and see that you're having a wonderful time. PS The cat must have more than one name, we can't just go with one initial; I'll go with STC (Sophie the cat). Send our love to MCXL and ABC, say high to STC.
Ramzi. High? I meant "hello".
Marianne Holy hail, Nancy! Just saw the hail in Airdrie on the news...crazy!!! Love the rating! You're you funny :-) k...Ramzi, by a and McClatchy are discussing stc's name...they both say she already already has 3 names...atc says her name is Sophie Grace Campbell and Mcxl says her name
Marianne Is Sophie Loren Langford :-)