Marty's Adventures
Let the adventure begin! Ready for a long day of travel and full of excitement mixed with a wee bit of nervous! Up and to the airport in Yellowknife for an early flight to Calgary. The flight to Calgary makes a stop in Edmonton and passengers get off and new passengers board. First hiccup, so early in to the adventure..... Fog in Calgary!! They kept us on the plane waiting with a new departure time of 930 which is plenty of time to make my connection to Tokyo. Flight to Calgary left earlier than expected, however, we proceeded to circle around in the sky waiting our turn to land as there was a back up of air traffic waiting to land. I did get some great views of the mountains though! Flight to Tokyo and I score a seat with an empty spot next to me! The fog was so think you could not see the tower nor the top of the airport itself but we took off! The flight goes up over northern BC and over Alaska. A beautiful clear day meant AMAZING views of the mountains along the ocean in Alaska! WOW! There were two massive mountains that rose far above the rest, I will have to google them. Flight was pretty smooth, lots of turbulence to start and one moment of water bottles flying across the back of the plane and it just happened to be when I was walking back from the bathroom! I danced all the way back to my seat! Customs was quick and easy.... Kyra the goalie from my team was on the same flight so we meandered out of customs and then we were interviewed by a Japanese TV station. We explained Broomball to them and were quite obviously not seasoned athletes that get interviewed all the time. He did ask if we were confident and I used one of my newly learned Japanese words.... Ichiban!! Getting the train was very easy, follow the signs and got a 50% off ticket in to Tokyo by presenting a foreigner passport. I have been a bit worried about getting around for the first bit, so far everyone has been friendly and helpful AND speak English! Found my hotel after asking for help a few times. Got all settled in to my teeny tiny room and ventured off into the heart of Shinjuku..... Keeping in mind I have been up for what feels like forever! By the time I got out and about it was dark and the place was lit up and people. I walked past a lot of places and every one of them only had just men so I wasn't sure if I should go in. I finally found a place to eat and had a yummy chicken and rice dish with a side of miso soup! I am exhausted and have a big day tomorrow. It is warm and muggy here and I am wishing I had brought lighter clothing. Googled the mountain in Alaska and it has to be Mt McKinley.... amazingly beautiful!! Guddonaito
- comments
Sheila looks exciting!!!
Maureen Glad you made it safely. I remember going to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden many years ago. It was such a peaceful place in the midst of the busiest ward in Tokyo. I know you'll also appreciate the more tranquil places in Japan. It is a country so steeped in history and I found the Japanese to be gracious hosts. Enjoy!
Paula Hey pal,.....awesome awesome.....thanks for having the blog it's great to see it though your eyes. P xo
Michelle I love your blogs! Seasoned athlete?! haha who needs that when it's easier to season your fries! Enjoy the trip!
Michelle Spam deli?
Michelle I love your blogs! Always entertaining and just the right touch of info to keep us wanting to read your next entry. Enjoy every minute, you deserve it! Empty seat beside you on the long flight there could be due to one of two reasons. a. you smell funny or b. good things come around to good my dear are b.! Subarashī tabi o motte iru !!!