What a beautiful day to climb the pyranees!!! The sun was shining!!! The fields were green and the sheep were roaming.... Beautiful!!! We walked only as far as Orrison.... WOW.... Can anyone say 5 hours of up hill!!! We took our time.... I walked ahead mostly and stopped and waited for mom at the bends or if I lost sight of her.... Works perfect as i stop lots to take pictures....We took our time but were sure feeling it by noon.... We stopped and had lunch at a look out.... I was looking at a map trying to figure out how much longer... An older man was there as well and he spoke to me in German mixed with broken English ..... All I got from it was just live it.... Forget about how far just live it!!! So I put the map away and we continued on.... Up hill.... I really don't think one can understand unless u walk it... Up hill!!! Not far from there I had walked ahead and was waiting sitting on a rock on the edge of a hill taking it all in when two huge vultures appeared and soared right out in front of me .... Amazing.... Mom caught up and we were happy to see a hill downwards a nice little break from up... We could see a place way up and thought it was the place we were staying at.... Let me tell u how happy I was to see this place appear .... Nice young French lady in the bar took us to our private little room.... So nice.... Showers and laundry done .... Beer and a coffee on the deck.... Siesta...back to the deck and talking with fellow pilgrims.... It's funny how when you meet strangers and you make small talk.... This is not like that at all.... It becomes very personal in a good way..... We all had supper together and all had to stand and introduce ourselves.... We sat across from a couple of English barristers who drank lots of wine and were funny.... Good times.... It is an early night to bed as we have a big day ahead if us tomorrow .... A lot more up but I hear it is not as steep... The fog has rolled in and you would never know we were on the same side of a mountain with a huge valley below that we looked at with awe this afternoon .....
- comments
jose kennedy Fantastic reading, more, more, are you thinking of turning this into a book when you are both back, what a celebration for a Mother's 70th Birthday!! what an example to others, bet it would be a best seller!!!!!
Jennifer B Thanks for writing Marty - I am enjoying the read so much.
Theresa Wow Marty, this sounds fantastic. You're so lucky that you were both able to find the time to do something this amazing together. Truly a time where you will get to live everyday for the moment and forget the rest of the world for a while. Enjoy and Good luck. Hugs to you both.
Mark Speaking as one of said English barristers, it's nice to have a little publicity at last... Anyone wish to sue anyone else..? Great to read you & your Mum's adventures, Marty, and I'm glad that by one means and another you got where you wanted to be. tWas fun meeting (and meeting... and meeting...) you both. As the Irish blessing for the road has it (from a venal, cynical atheist): May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.