Wells is the smallest cathedral city in England. It's not far from glamourous Bath. I'm not allowed to visit Bath anymore. I spent millions of dollars on Costume books. I was all that back-in-the-day, because I owned Janet Arnold and more....
Then I heard of Wells' Scissor Arch and I had to come. Medieval architecture bewilders me. But this is truly a miracle.
The Cathedral was built in 1230(ish). It began to fall down in 1330(ish). An architect who held no degree in engineering, a man we would consider itinerent, invented something called a scissor arch. It took 3 years to build under the crumbling tower. And it was fixed. Well, at least it hasn't wiggled in the last 700(ish) years. And it's gorgeous.
Well, go look at the pictures.
I spent Saturday at an official tour of the Cathedral, lunch at their tea shop, market day on the square, off to the Bishop's Palace moat for a nice walk and ice cream, and early-to-bed for a busy Sunday.
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