I woke up after a very comfortable nights sleep with the soft breeze of the air conditioning keeping me cool. I had a shower and got my dirty laundry together to find a place where i can have it cleaned at a decent price. When we left the hotel we were immediately hit with the heavy heat and humidity of Bangkok. We hadn't experienced this heat for a while as it was reasonably cool in Hanoi. We walked up the road keeping an eye out for signs for laundry but didn't have much luck so we walked onto Khao San road where i found a small guesthouse who would wash my clothes for 40TB per KG.
Next stop was McDonalds, mainly because of the air conditioning they provide (honestly). I ordered a double cheeseburger meal and Daniel went for a big mac meal, or "set" as they call it in Thailand. Once we had finished we continued to walk down khao san road where i went into the art gallery i had visited before. I bought another painting of Buddha on a sheet of black velvet. At first, she asked for 480TB but i bargained it down to 280. The next mission was to find silver rings for mum and alex but all the ones i came across were pretty tacky, just skulls heads and dragons which were all a bit too much so i gave up and decided i would look again tomorrow.
The heat began to get a bit overwhelming so we headed back to the hotel where we showered and chilled out on our ipads for a fair amount of time, until dinner time really as we had a nap and only woke up at 19:00. Once we got ready again we headed out into the hectic-ness of Khao san road. There are pad thai stalls and fruit stalls just outside our hotel along with a tattoo shop next door. Live music was blaring from a few bars in either direction, they had thai people singing classics like bob dylan and Adele. Daniel fancied another visit to our favourite food stall; the duck and rice. I wasn't very hungry yet so i didn't eat anything. Daniel must have been starving as he ordered two of the duck dishes for himself but as he's not a fan of the clear soup it was served with, i helped him out finishing it.
We then walked up and down khao san road and Daniel bought a photographic print on a rectangular piece of wood for Julie and John and i bought a small magnet with Angkor wat on it but i'm not too sure what i've done with it now. While daniel was deciding which piece to get i was stroking a cat that had a t-shirt tied around it. A woman said she had the operation so she couldn't have any more kittens and the T-shirt was there to stop her scratching the wound. up went to put laundry in. We went to a tourist information place where we booked our bus and boat ticket to take us to Ko Phi Phi the next day, this cost us 800TB, around £12 which isn't so bad.
While walking around shopping i built up a bit of an appetite so i visited an indian food stall where i ordered chicken tikka masala, rice and naan bread which came with salad as a set for 120TB (just over £2!). Daniel didn't eat as he was full from him duck and rice but he helped me finish it off as we were reminiscing about mutual friends in the passed and all the people we no longer spoke to. I paid the bill and we walked down the road running parallel to khao san, there is a kosher place on this road which is always heaving with people, there are gates around the door which makes us wonder why, is it to stop any attacks on the jewish tourists? God knows. A small hand made stall run by a lesbian woman caught Daniel's eye and he spent a fair amount of time choosing a bracelet and an anklet. They were all very beautiful, i liked the necklaces that had that rose stone as a pendant which reminds me of my mum but they were quite long and a bit bulky which wouldn't make good tan lines so i decided against buying one.
We walked passed loads of stalls selling fried insects and geckos and heaps of bars and clubs where trendy young locals and tourists were drinking and generally enjoying themselves. We walked up and down the main road until there was nothing much else for us to see or do so we headed back to the hotel for an early night because when we booked our transport to Ko phi phi we also booked a half day excursion to the railway market and floating market and we would be getting picked up at 07:00am!
When we got in neither of us were tired,
I suspect this was due to our 4 hour nap earlier in the afternoon so i went on an adventure by myself to McDonalds to get us a burger and chips, greedy i know but really, who cares. I left Daniel in bed as i headed downstairs, out the hotel and back onto the busy street. There were indian men trying to tempt me to go into their bar for a beer to which i smiled and politely refused. I got to mcdonalds and ordered two cheeseburgers and chips as well as a drink for Daniel.i quite enjoyed going out alone, i was scared i might get lost but that's impossible as there are only two main roads and our hotel was on one of them. I walked back briskly with the food in one hand and the pepsi in the other. I convinced myself if i walked briskly enough i might counteract the amount of calories i would be digesting when i got back.
When i returned we tucked into our burgers and chips and daniel got a skype call from Jackie. She joked about meeting a big black man which is what i always tease Daniel about. We laughed and we laughed and we laughed so much my sides were hurting. Daniel looked pretty uncomfortable with it but it was such a laugh. We waved goodbye to Jackie and set our alarm for 06:15 as i knew i would have trouble waking up.
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