Ever since we started planning this trip one of the things we knew we had to do when we got here was buy a vehicle. Everything we read regarding New Zealand suggested not only that the best way to see it was independently by motor but also that cheap cars were plentiful, practically being handed out to backpackers on arrival at the airport. This is not quite the case and the market is very different to what we were expecting. Very old cars that you wouldn't stop to slap in the street going for a couple of thousand dollars. Despite being a little over our original budget we found a likely candidate on Trade Me, a people carrier that had been converted by an amateur carpenter i.e. the rear seats had been removed and renovated with an ingenious, wooden, camper layout with hidden storage and a neat sofa/table/bed system. The vehicle itself was certainly rough around the edges, having been left unused for a few months on a remote farm out in the middle of nowhere (a bit banjos and chainsaw wielding maniacs), and many of the 'extras' that initially seemed appealing turned out to be garbage. But with a bit of TLC, a free offcut of carpet and some animal print cusions bought from the local hospice sale we feel we have a half-decent secondary home to bum about in. Even it if lasts us only a month (fingers crossed it will be alot longer) then this will actually have been cheaper than hiring a campervan for a month!
One of the other major items on our agenda was to meet some relatives on my mums side who live in Auckland and who I had never even spoken to let alone met. I have never been a big 'extended family' person so wasn't sure what to expect but after exchanging a number of e-mails in the lead up to and since our arrival in NZ we were invited not only to a meal but also to stay for a few days over Christmas. We were made to feel extremely welcome and had a great time getting to know everyone. A delicious three course meal was provided to us by my mums cousin Jan and we are looking forward to catching up some more over Christmas. Trying to get my nan onto Skype will be fun!
If you are going to live in another country for a year then you have to be open to new experiences and it was this kind of thinking that got us involved in the local santa parade. Organised by our host Liz it was battle of brains over instinct. My instinct saying 'hell no' and my brain saying 'come oooooon it'll be a laugh'. I dug my own grave by making some suggestions regarding their float and thereby 'demonstrating' my 'interest' in taking part. Mellissa looked sweet but sexy as a glamourous Mrs Clause (can't remember if this was my suggestion or not...) who of course was too high maintenance to get out of the car and walk along the parade, instead remaining inside waving regally to her adoring audience. Unlike me who gave everything to the cause and was subjected to repeated soaking by the 'scouts' in the float behind who some bright spark thought it would be a good idea to give water soakers to and who ruthlessly singled me and my fellow elf (Candy Boy and Candy Girl to these wretches) out.
One of the benefits of staying with locals is the chance to reap the benefits of their interests. Geoff, our host, took us out for a spin on his Jet ski, and WOW! Probably the highlight of our trip so far we jetted over to beautiful Kawau island. We were greeted by an historic, elegant beach house built by one of the previous governors of New Zealand and a stunning peacock strutting around like it owned the place. Unfortunately, due to a memory card snafu, we didn't get any photos. The sun was blazing down and the ocean spray in our face was refreshing. Mellissa was grinning all the way like a Cheshire cat while I nearly bounced off the back of the thing as we gunned it over the waves! We contemplated scrapping the car/van idea and just buying a jet ski but on second thoughts this would not have been the most practical idea even if it would have been a hell of a lot of fun. Geoff has very extensive knowledge of the area and took us on a mini tour around the island pointing out sites such as an old copper mine and a tiny island where nobody dares venture due to a local urban legend deadly spiders inhabating it! How he get's any work done when he could be out surfing the waves 24/7 I don't know.
Our next big decision is what to do for New Years Eve and the small matter of my 30th birthday.
- comments
Frances I can picture it all even the Cheshire grins! All the best with the DIY van. It sounds perfect actaully - except I'm wondering if the weather is almost too hot for you to drive around. Are you getting plenty of vit D? We need some!!! Let us know about your 30th Dom. I reckon a Hangi (sp?) evening???? Good food cooked underground ... what's it called? I have a challenge for you whilst you are over there. Learn the Haka. When you return, you'll be sorted for your party trick for years and years to come! Missing you but have a great Christmas!
Ginger spice Lovely to read the blog. So much for you to experience. Hope you have a great Christmas with lots of sunshine. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Claire C I'm following your trip with great interest! It sounds amazing!! So much fun! And whilst I'm completely jealous :) I'm soooo glad you're having a great time! Keep me posted with your new yr eve and birthday celebrations. Enjoy!!!!! Xxxx
Frances Hi there! Well there's you in NZ, Gem in USA, Ruth in USA ... and I'm in Worcester - all of us having a great time I hope. Glad you checked out the staff do photos. We have had a phenomenal number of cases of Nora Virus here and winter vomiting bugs. To give you an example, Tony went to a Rotary Christmas dinner. There were 27 members there and 26 were so ill that the environmental health had to be called in. From there mum has got ill, then Carla, then Nicki ... but so far, not me!! Ha! I'm beating the bugs this year!! I made a massive pizza today for all of us (WG free) and it was really good. Not watched any Christmas films yet I'm still catching up with little projects to finish off like me new poem and me mending me clothes and me being jumped over by Carla. I've spent hours on the web looking for pink LED safety vest for her - ebay! It's was just too obvious a website to visit it straight away - I should have known! Tomorrow Nicki and I are having our hair cut - can't wait as I haven't had it done for months and months and I'm blonde at the tips but a brunette nearly at the roots. I can also tie it back with a hair band so I need a good chop. The Military Wives will take the number 1 slot this year I think. Gareth Malone (so-sadly-not-married-to-me) has been leading their choir. What else - rain rain and rain. You can't be missing the seasonal weather over here! Breast implants are topical in the news as some of them have ruptured inside people. Thankfully I didn't get mine done for Christmas - hee! Have a lovely Christmas!!!! Love Fran xx ps the sum is a bit patronising this time: 1+1
Frances Hi - just hearing about the earthquakes and thinking of you all in that side of the globe!