Happy Mothers day. I guess your day started with freshly squeezed oange juice followed by muesli, banana and yogurt served in your king size bed by your husband whilst the children sleep ....yeh, yeh ,yeh - me too. Thinking of you all. The reunions sound great, just like yours when you come home.Weather becoming milder. Already in the middle of Lent - seems odd being so early. Thinking of you all.
Love us.
Sally And Tim
Hi all of you,
It is such a pleasure to read all about your adventures and the wonderful photos of the whole family. What a wonderful adventure you are all having! What a lot of happy faces! Lookiong ofrward to the next installment. Have a wonderful time wherever it may be.
The Connell Family
You are not boring us at all! I look forward to the next installment to 'The Millers..Down Under' with great anticipation. Toby, your travel writing is great and I can really get a feel of your experiences. It makes for entertaining reading when I get back from a boring parents evening and the kids have gone to bed! Great stuff!
Michelle, Simon, Niall and Niamh x
The Willows
Hi everyone,
Oz looks so good, but not, Guy says, as good as the hair!!
Miss you, much love W's x
Harry And Tilly Gough
Hi to you all - What an amazing time you are having. Australia looks wonderful - you all look so bronzed and healthy. We have just got back from skiing with the Gosling family which was fantastic - no broken bones just broken egos that our children are better skiers than us!! love to you all. Alice x
Hi the Millers.
It sounds and looks just fantastic! Hope you are all well, thought I would drop this line to say the best of the best will be getting together tonight to finalise our mission for April!
Much love x
The Smiths
Hi Guys, Lots of people asking after you at Mass today. Drove past your house. I think we need a little gardening possie to start you off. Stephen has volunteered to wash your car (oh no not more water). Great half term with on/off weather. Several visits to Spectrum. I cut Stephens hair yesterday, he feels positively young having longer hair than Toby and that was a number 2.
You've been away so long we will have started planning the Christmas liturgy by te time of your return. Fete planning has started without you - I'm sure you are gutted. Food and drink planning has not yet started for 1st H/C. Parent lessons cancellled due to .......not really, Austin is in Malta.
Can't wait for the BBQ a few tinnies and the recounting of all those stories in the wilds of Aussie. Getting closer to Shere booking time.
Love from all to you all.
Laura Shilston
Hi Connie!
we have moved places at school!!i have to sit next to George barlow!!!i am terrified and we are learning about the Greeks.have a great time with the kangeroos......
lots of love.............Laura
ps i miss you soooooo much!!!!
The Smiths
HI guys, looks great fun although not so sure about snakes.We need to have a serious chat about some of the experiences you have encouraged the children to participte in. One more month and then we can apply for Shere. Weather has been very mild these last few days. Off to Alice Holt tomorrow. We aim to search for ants, centipedes and wild birds!!! a huge flask of hot chocolate will be required to help raise the internal temp. All well at the Friary. Austin due back Easter Sunday.
March becomes a busy month with birthdays, anniversaries,mothering sunday etc etc. Look forward to your return. Stay safe. Lots of love us.....
Chloe Moffat
hey millers
looks like your having a great time. When you went to see the 12 apostals did you go in a helicopter? When your in brisbine you should go to Steve Owens zoo you get to hold koalas that have very sharp claws, strok a kangaroo, watch lots of seal and crocodile shows and loads more fun stuffOn friday we had a fluffy and i did beads and boxes. When you go to sydney theres lots of things to do like go to manly and go swimming in the sea and shelly, manly or queenscliff if you go to queenscliff on a sunday you may see children in red and blue that is the club i went to there is also a ferry ride and lots of surfingand shopping if you ever go past a school in dee why called st.lukes grammer school that is the school i went to there may be little blue things on the beach do not tread or go near them they sting and i hurts alo9t i have had the experianceit stingsthere is also a nother good beach that is freshwater oh and also watch out when theres lots of waves there may be lots of circles that is bad because it is a rip and it pulls you out so do not go to far.
missing you and looking forward to easter.
from chloe
Dave, Katie, Ben And Alex
Good to see Michele looking like a surfing dude! Looks like you are having a fantastic time...happy days for Rosie with all her admirers on Valentine's Day...Ben will be very jealous so I won't tell him! I'm sure the camper van tonight is full of scented candles, champagne in ice buckets and rose petals on the beds...perhaps not! Enjoy Oz. Speak to you soon. God Bless D,K,B and A
Jude Wadhwani
G'day Toby, Michele and girls,
Rob Carter dropped in at Worth last night and told me that you had visited Nazareth. I was rapt. So I am on your website and it all looks good. Glad you met Anne and Matt and that you had a great time. SJB has surpassed my expectations which is great. Look forward to following your trip in more detail over the upcoming weeks and swapping yarns on your return. Very best wishes for the good times to roll along the way all the way.