Wishing you all a Holy Week and a Happy and Joyfilled Easter wherever you to celebrate it. You will be very much in our prayers at the Friary. As Jane says no doubt you have many mixed emotions about the rapidlly approaching end of your magical adventure but just remember that however much you may regret the idea of coming home there are many, many people here who are awaiting your home coming with great anticipation - we have missed you loads! See you soon. Love and hugs all round. God Bless. Deirdre.
The Smiths
Easter greetings to you all. We have been to the school passion play tonight. Deep and meaningful. Their is an aire of anticipation during this Holy week which we have never really felt before. A presence.We are all thinking of you and your adventures during this time especially. It will be like the prodical son (family) retuning to the fold when you do return. I guess you must have very mixed feelings about staying/returning. Probably the same mix of emotions before leaving on your adventure but in reverse. Let us know if there is anything we can do to ease your return.
In our thoughts and prayers. Lots of love from us all.
Amanda & Steve
Greetings, Millers Gosh, is it nearly all over?? We have missed seeing you and are looking forward to seeing you soon and introducing you to our (still living at Notcutts) new hamster. Better come and see it before the dog does.
With all our love, A S M & F
The Willows
Hi you lot, I LOVE the koala pics. They look so cute! Mad as ever here. Keep enjoying every second. Much love A x
Jude Wadhwani
Toby, Michele and girls,
The only time I feel a little homesick is when I visit your website but it is fantastic that you are having such a swell time and looking so well. Love reading your perspectives on Oz. Continue to have a blast. Much love Jude
Happy birthday Toby sure you have had another fun filled day with your girls.Enjoyed the Brisbane photos and the blog post. All fine here.Really looking forward to seeing you soon. Enjoy your last few weeks.much love Vivixxxxxx
Zac Harrison
Zac writes:-
Dear isla, we are leraning a bout bers Love from zac.
We have only just found out that you have a blogg - Zac has been asking about Isla for ages and talking about your holiday. Sounds great and we are all very jealous.... Hear you have not got long to go now - continue to enjoy and see you after the holidays............. The Harrisons (red class)
The Smiths
What no new news. Slacking. Need to speed up a bit as you will be back in the real world shortly. Can't wait to say hello to you guys.
Lots of love, us guys.
The Willows
Hello campers...your breakfast on the beach looked so special. Love to you all, ARG&G
The Smiths
Hi. Certainly beats...time to get up, get dressed, clean your teeth, do your reading, eat your breakfast, pack your bags, remember sports kits. Get into the car. Bye bye. have a good day at school, lots of love. See you after work..... I'm exausted just reading it. See you soon
Hi to you all, wow! Wonderful photos of you all in The Blue mountains and the beachs.Your blog post was ace as usual Toby.Am really enjoying sharing your adventure. All fine here and looking forward to spring. Love to you all. Enjoy! Vivi
Ernie & May
Hi guys great to read and see your adventures in OZ Still living at 104 no sign of a move E was in hospital twice now at home recovering. Miss you all see you in April