just a note to say hi and don't be sad about coming home. You will have the most fantastic memories. Its spring here now .... some of the time! And we all miss you. I love the little frog ( Georgia didn't ) but I really love the sleepy koala. Take care, A R G & G xxxx
Hi connie ,
my mum just found your blog address note from my (lost)old pencil case...! I was missing you so much, but had no idea that I could keep in touch with you...hurrahh..now I can..when you are almost going to be back..I missed you the most on my 'potty paint brush b'day party..!
I loved all your pictures, my mum has promised to take me to a similar holiday in India...
It was fluffy (soggy..!) friday and I did book bananza with Carrys, Izzie, Edward and Jordan (who wasn't that bad..!). We walked to Guildford Library which has million rooms..! and then we went to Waterstones and a man read a story after that we got to buy a book. Mine was 'the worry website' by Jacqueline Wilson.
Have more fun in Australia, you look too grown -up to me in the pictures...and may be you are..
I am dying to see you..and hear all your adventerous stories...
Miss you sooooooooooooooooooooo.....much...
from nishi xxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Smiths
I am not even going to try and compete with the poetry of the Millers and Mcaully's. Reading your entries only reiterates to me the need for an evenings liturgy planning when you get back!!!!!!! Perhaps with all this academia all around me, I may aspire to be like thee.
Can't wait to share all the news but just in case a Holy Trinity fan gets in before me, year 5 and year 6 came runners up to Queen Eleanors at the netball tournament. I returned with a suntan or, was it frost bite. You will have to return and find out for yourselves.
Austin is back safe and sound and he has the community praying for your safe return.
Lots of love the none poetic family xxxxx
Ali Mcaully
Yes It's me again ............I couldn't resist going for a hat trick!!!!I went out for a beautiful walk today with Euan in the warm spring sunshine.Seeing the wonder and awe in Euans little face at all the new life of spring was amazing.His excitment at the sight of an ocean of golden daffodils and crocuses......pure joy.Spring has started, the blossom is beginning to form and the promise of new life is all around .A beautiful time of year to come to england! I thought this might remind you of the beauty of home as I sure the thought of your adventure drawing to an end must be unsettling and thoughts of returning home as strange as those when leaving at xmas.Spring and new adventures await you here as do all your friends who have missed you so much.Take care much love .The Macs
Ali Mcaully
Yeh hey! I finally got one posted......... the only question remaining is........ who have I been contacting all these weeks?!!!!!!! Oh well I 'll Have to make up for it in your final few days.....brace yourselves!!!Much love the Macs!!
Ali Mcaully
Hi again lovley Millers
I really hope you are recieving my messages .They don't seem to be appearing on the board!!!. By the time I get this sussed you'll be back home!!!!! Now Euan has started nursey it's time I signed up for a computing course!!. Fingers crossed you'll get this .Missing you loads safe journeys. Ali
Sian Griffith
Dear All, We're enjoying keeping up with your adventures. Did try to write previously but seem to have failed!
Love Mark, Sian, Rhian and Eiry XXX
The Smiths
Maunday thursday was busy, calm and spititual.Stations was very good and the children enjoyed themselves, noisy and active when appropriate.Sunday was a blitz. All the children had to stay out for the full 1+ hours as church so full, health and safety said do not pass the church doors.
Certainlt threw all the planning into mayhem. Extra songs, stories and loud voices over the voices of the adults that were badly behaved. Sadly, Toby is missing fete planning tonight but I am sure we can schedule a mtg for your return. Everyone is getting excited at the thought of your return. The prodical family return from their travels into the bosom of the friends(trying to be as poetic as Toby).
Enjoy the rest of your time and we send you all our love and Easter blessings. At the end of the Sunday service, we asked Bro Patrick to come in and bles all the children. Before his grand entrance, we asked the children who might ne waiting behind the doors....to which little Patrick answered at the top of his voice....JESUS.
Love to all and see you soon.
The Willows
Hi guys I have just read your last two blogs....wow! I felt emotional, sea sick, captivated, enchanted, hot and very envious. We are REALLY looking forward to seeing you all. Enjoy!
Hi to you all.Just looked at the w theonderful photos of you all they are great. What adventures you are having amazing days. We had a very chilly Easter but it was enjoyable. Spent time with the family including a .trip to the british Museum. We had a great day Enjoy your time out there,looking forward to seeing you
Hi Rosie,
Looks like you are having a great time and most definitely in Noosa. Last Thursday was Tudor day; It was fabulous because we were all different characters and I was a Courtier which was lots of fun. Everyone was dressed in Tudor costumes which was wonderful. I wore a lovely big Puffy dress which was really funny. Two weeks ago I broke my arm and it was very painful. I had to wear a cast which is really annoying but the good thing is that I broke my right arm which means I can't write and get to type everything up on the computer. I can't wait for you to come back; missing you lots
Mum says tell Isle that red class loved the post card and are looking forward to seeing her.
Hannah Katmeh
The Moffats
Wow, just read your last two entries, and re read them both twice as it brought back such great memories!!! You obviously loved Noosa as much as we did and the zoo - will have to see your koala photo, ours has literally just got a frame and is in the lounge!!! You must be nearly at Cairns by now, it is just endless the kms between all those ghost towns isnt it? - and yet so worthwhile but so different to the UK, unbelievable until you drive all those miles!!! Unfortunately had a very cold, Easter weekend so did not go caravaning, but have had fun doing other things and seeing family. Cant wait to see you all, miss you. Love from the Moffats