Well seen as we are now completely in a comfort zone where everyone speaks our language we thought we would do a sum up of South East Asia.We are feeling sentimental in the back of the van, which has now been nicknamed 'OzBubble/Arse Bubble, the first by Jack and the latter by a very eccentric Dutch man, don't blame me I wanted something more manly like Bruce!Anyway we can't believe how quick the last 3 and a half months have gone.From arriving on Koah San Road wide eyed and sweaty after a 22 hour journey and starting our first Chang fuelled night out with the lovely Claire and Rich.To leaving Bali with some of the most fantastic memories, experiences and our first taste of backpacking.Every country we have visited so far, has made an impact on us in a different way, Thailand for its fantastic people who will go out of their way to do anything for you and crack a dazzler of a smile which can only make you grin stupidly back at them!Laos for its under development and feeling each place you visit you are one of the first people to go their by the locals reaction to you.Laos also for inventing Lion King Whiskey to keep you company when the generators switch off at 10.30, and giving you the Dutch courage to venture to the squat toilet at 1am!Cambodia for not being what we thought it would be, it's a country that should be proud of what it is now after enduring what it has, the history as turned out some of the most generous people we met on this trip.Vietnam, this was a hard one for us, we found that the country had some of the most amazing sights to see and some of the most tasty food (although crap beer!), this is the place which gave us some of the most testing times and for that fact we came away with a backpackers backbone, which helped us out a bit in other parts.Malaysia gave us enough to make us want to go back for more and Indonesia gave us the last bit of freedom with money, a bit of rest and recuperation to get over the last 3 months!With every place you visit it's the people you meet that stands out and makes the place what it is, from day one we met some really great people, we had a social circle in Pai (making us stay far too long!).Our email inbox is never empty and our face book makes us look very popular indeed!We found that we are learning a lot from these people but its always hard to say goodbye at the end even though you take a little of them with you!Its such a small world though when you bump into people hundreds of miles away just like the tubing gang and Clare Mann who just pops up EVERYWHERE!
So all in all we came away with quite good tans, which will no doubt be topped up in Oz, a bulging address book, fantastic memories, good advice and top tips, even the odd meal Idea and card game (Cheers Liron, I'm now the Janeve champ!)
So thats the final sum up of S.E Asia, we hope you enjoyed reading about it...its all kangaroos and koalas now!!
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