Hola from Antigua.
We finally arrived at Antigua to beautiful sunshine. We have spent three nights and two days and have fallen in love with the place. It has loads of beautiful parks and cathedrals and the streets are all cobblestone (which makes for interesting bus journeys).
On the first day we spent most of it getting to know the area and enjoying the amazing weather here. We found an amazing place to eat for lunch, which gave us soup, lemonade and a meal of the day for 2 pounds!!
The second day we went on a tour to Volcano Pacaya (one of the most active volcanoes in Guatemala). It was about an hour and a half jouney in a tightly squashed minibus followed by a two walk up to the summit of the Volcano (by which time our legs were aching quite a bit). At the top we were treated to some amazing views of the local surroundings and Lava coming up from the ground. Every so often flaming rocks tumbled down the slope.
The next day we spent the morning having the last look around Antigua before heading off to San pedro, a town with many hippies and lots time to spend relaxing!
Until next time, Adios Amigos!
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