i've read your blog posts earlier. wow, so jelous! you sound like your having an amazing time, really jelous! can't wait to here more about it, loveyoubothxxx
Caroline Jones
Hi kate and mike!
Just read your blog and it sounds fantastic - wish I was there with you climbing the wall of China (instead of climbing the wall generally!). Be safe and savour every moment - am off to Australia tomorrow but will log on in a few days time to see where you are and what you are up to. Big hugs. Love Caroline xxxx PS Joyce sends her love and is thinking of you. x
Gem Driso!
ohhhhh it sounds fun kate and mike!
greenies right it feels wierd without you.......looking forward to another blog and wana see some piccies soon!! take care, have fun love you xxxxxx
Emma Greenie!
Hey kate and mike!! sounds like your having an amazing time already! Im very jelous! feels weird without u already!! write again soon!! miss u! love emma xxxxx
Laura Richardson
oh guys glad ur havin a good time!! missing u guys loads.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s ur lil blog posts r well cute. lol
Michael Hinton
Hello Kate and Mike, hope you two are having a fantasmagorical time!!! good luck with everything!!! love the Cornish Hintons!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mike And Kate
hello everyone! we have got a free 15mins on the internet so we popped on quickly just to say we are safe and having a great time, we climbed the great wall of China today, it was amazing!! we will upload blogs and pictures when possible, may be a little hard in China! Mum (Linda) i have emailed your hotmail! emma hope your enjoying my jumpers lol. we are just off to bed now, early start 2mo to the forbiden city and tinnamen square, temple of heavan then the long 13hour overnight train to xian. we will write asap! xxxxxlove you xxx
Auntie Julie
Hello Kate and Mike - hope you're having a wonderful time in china! We are at your house Kate in Sanderstead having a barbeque - Michael and Lydia are here, they've been to Thorpe Park. Love lots of it! xxxxxxxxx
Baby Sister Hinton (Ems)
hello you two, i'm really missing you already, haven't even been gone 24 hours! already tucking into your jumpers though kate:P your both on the plane to china now, your going to have such an amazing time, so jelous. make sure you stay safe! i could do with a game of tetris with you both now though:(, hope you have an amazing time, i will write on here soon, i can't wait to see the photo's, exciting stuff! love you both loads. xxx
Mum Hinton
Hi you two
missing you so much but very excited for you. Can't wait to see the first photos
be safe, mike look after my baby, have a great time you two, we want lots of lovely pictures.
lots of love amanda xxxx
Tomorrow the world!
Be good, safe and happy - any two will do as long as safe is included!
Have a really great time