Hey guys sounds like your having an amazing time is still strange thinking of you on the toher side of the world and so jelous.
Them fish sound funny, but kinda makes em anna put my feet in to my pond top see what it feels like : D. Glad your having such an amazing time justw ish i could be there to.
loves xxx
Mike And Kate
Hello Everyone, Thank you all for your messages we love hearing rom you! We are in Cambodia at the moment and not having much luck with uploading the photos! but are now uptodate on theblogs :D
the ducks head relly wasnt thet bad the brain was abit squidgy but quite tasty and the eye was very tough luckily not juicy or could have been quite bad.we are getting a bus at 5am 2moro to go and see the sunrise at angkor wat.should be spectacular for those who dnt no what angkor wat is look it up you lazy people. Hope you are all well speak to you soon. lots of love x
Hi there!Sounds as if you're having a great time.Those train bunks sound as if they are not made to fit long westerners.Envious about all your cuilinary experiences.The chinese take-away we had in while in Dorset gave your poor mum terrible indigestion!The weather was up and down-usual english seaside holiday.Had some great cream teas though!
Daddy Hinton
Hi Harry & Dug, the chinese train bunks sound like fun, but what a long drop if you were to fall out of bed! It sounds like you are really enjoying the trip, with Cambodia and Vietnam coming up I am sure it will just get better and better.
We got back from Dorset Saturday, we have hardly seen Livi or Emma what with their sleep overs and late nights. Chops, I am afraid your clothes have been raided 'big-time' by both, well mainly Emma. Emma had a few friends round while we were away, with a strictly no drink rule - either this rule was broken or the cats now prefer strongbow to milk!!
Continue to have fun and enjoy ever minute - it beats having to work for a living......
Daddy Hinton xxxxx
Mum & Dad Denning
Hi, Well China trip now over, hope it was everything you hoped and more. Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing some photos. Undoubtedly you've now made new friends from the group you were with and maybe you'll meet up with some of them as you progress on your travels.
Not sure if you're planning to get in any sight seeing during this stopover in Bangkok or just catch up on some sleep - whatever your plans have a good time.
We need Blog #2. Altogether chant ... blog#2, blog #2, blog #2.
Oh why are we waiting, why are we waiting oh why etc etc.
Mum & Dad Denning
Emma Little Sis Hinton
I MISS YOU BOTH SO MUCH! hope your safe and having a really good time, really jelous xxx
Olly Tiller
hay guys hope your both havin fun !!! me and grease are sat here and where woundering what you were doing sounds fun !! how did the eyeballs taste mike sounds degusting !!! take care much love olly and grease !!!!!!!
The Eldest, And Only, Of Mike's Brothers
Yes I made it work, although Dad showed me. There appears to be all sorts of strange webmaspeak all over this, making it very hard to understand. Please refrain in the future, and use English for us old b*****s.
Hope you're having fun, make sure you eat everything going (apart from the urchins, seriously!) the more street meat the merrier. No doubt Mother dearest has laden you up with most of the UK's medical supplies, leaving us to battle hog fever with our bare hands, so an upset tummy wummy shouldn't cause too many problems.
Enjoy, the rest of your stay in China, or where ever you are now.
Pat (who also has a big bum)
Mum And Dad Hinton
hello from rainy dorset- lol! doing the usual studland, swanage etc. Charlie calls dad 'Uncle Fossil' and Alan 'daddy dinosaur'
Julie (on her own) is arriving by train tomorrow. Keep having fun! Paola's friend from uni, James, told us when we met him that when he was travelling in Thailand he broke his ankle jumping into a waterfall that the tour guide said was deep enough! Sobeware, check depth before you jump, sorry to fuss
Mum and Dad
Big Bum
Love the first blog lol sounds like you are having fun (apart from the duck's head)! I am again bored in my dads office (so nothing new here) cant believe it's already been a week since our last meal, seems weird without u! put some pics up when u get a chance hope the train isn't too bad!
love you xxxxxxx
Hello, how cool is this!! haha sounds like your having such fun, sorry I havnt writtten sooner couldnt work out how to find your blog, found everyone elses apart from yours! China sounds so good, Mike what were you thinking eating a ducks head! will have to see that when you get back, put it to the test! love you both lots. xxxxxxx xxxxxx
hellllllllllooo!! sounds AMAZING! i am so jel!! cant wait to see the pics :)