P.S Glad 2 see that the hair dressing is improving my skills are rapidly disappearing lol x x
(continued) l2 the point that i cud begin my own distribution of home made 'sarsons' lol x
Shell, Paul And Joseph
oh my god i nearly wet my self laughing at that blog post 15th june! To the extent that Paul thinks i've got mental problems hahahaha
but seriously i'll av 2 start stealing some incontinence pads from work ready for the next short novel lol!
Give all our love 2 the kids not the same without u joseph asking alot bout daisy think he thought she'd b back by now bless him x x x x
Dear Gill & Mike, great to hear from you, your travel tales are as entertaining as ever (at least 3 laugh out loud moments) !!
Sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up again before you left.
Wishing you all the best and look forward to hearing your next blog. Take care. Luv Fleur & Mike, Jake & Esta xxx
Good to have a half hour away from looking out of my prison (work) window at the truly miserable weather. Now I'm even more depressed! I wonder if this rope will reach that door frame....
No jealousy here at all! We've had our two weeks and are back in the thick of it...feels like we've never been away. The photos are fabulous, Gill your face is a picture. Did you ask for risk assessments first? Mind you as long as you weighed up the potential dangers and warned everyone what could happen if they didn't listen to careful instruction....... Do you think tigers make choices?
Hi All
Lovely to hear from you, enjoyed reading your blog. Great to see what your up to and loved to see your photos especially the tigers. Hope your all well. Looking forward to your next blog.
Shell,paul & Joseph
hi guys
Well it is monday after nursery so i've just read out the blog 2 joseph who kept askin me why i keep laughing! We also looked at photo's on a slideshow joseph is amazed he is so interested compared to last time u went he really loved the tuk tuk and asked wot fair u wer at lol! also he cudnt understand the floating market but wants a turn on the boat haha so funny. He made me show him the photo's of the tigers at least 10 times wanted to snuggle them with daisy sooo cute the way he asked 'mummy can i please go an snuggle those tigers with daisy'! Soo amazing that u know then we got to the man asleep on the chair wer i had 2 explain that he was meant b workin but gave up tryin 2 explain how people sleep whilst on chairs and not in bed lol! Then we got 2 the snake round gill's neck well Joseph was horrified askin 'doesn't aunti Gill know ther've got poison mummy and can squash u' well obviously not son came my reply lol! Oh i also had to explain that no Louis cant walk on water ha ha.
Then Joseph said he wishes he could snuggle Daisy he's really missing her so i've taken him shop and Joseph has picked himself a teddy and picked daisy a teddy the same and funny enough wen i got them home i looked on tag for ther name its called Dot! Its a me to u collectable one so i said wen u get 2 nz we'll send it over for daisy so weneva she is missing Joseph she can snuggle the same ted 2 if she wants 2!
I start my new job on wed on nights, me paul got a Wedding on sat nite other than that not really up 2 much so will speak u on skype soon.
Missing u all sooo much big kisses and cuddles for louis and daisy 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x p.s gave my car back 2day :( the weather is crap ere 2 !
Are you off again
Jackie & Aaron
Hey giys, wow hat blog as a mamouth, much bettr than ours!! Sounds like you made the right move going to NZ, I loved it there so much, espesh the south Island cliche!
Have fun, takecare.
Jackie and Aaron (from Koh Samui!)
nice blog. had head some negative things about tui rentals so did a google search. do you think it would be wise to personally mention the name of an employee of this campervann company? i mean what if she sees it? wouldnt they still have you personal details, c/c details etc? what if she is really crazy and wants to get revenge? just a thought thanks for the heads up.
Mum & Dad
We'll let you off for keeping us waiting so long for the blog as it was a humdinger. The blog and photos are FAB!! You all seem to have an outdoorsy look already! I mean that in a good way not referring to the lack of washing whilst you were at the Lake!
It must have been very strange having Christmas in the sunshine. I'm sure you would rather have spent it in the cold and rain! I was speaking to Dave on Christmas day and he said that was the weirdest thing to get used to.
So glad you have all settled down and things have been made so much easier for you with Maureen, Graham and the rest of the family and friends being so kind. It made everything so much easier for us too knowing you were being looked after so a BIG THANK YOU to you all from us.
Louis you look so cool in your uniform and we just love the picture of you walking along the beach after school. Cool as... even. And I bet Daisy caused a few second glances going to school in her swimming vest! I can just imagine it.
We are very imperssed at how brave you all are (don't forget when we come over - I am not that brave and I am a little more fragile than you lot). We are so excited. Cant wait to see you all. Well better get my skates on, got to get ready for work but couldn't go without looking at the photos. Wasn't the first though unless its a bit like ebay and even when you put your item on it says you have had 2 veiws!! They were fab. Nice to hear Daisy hasn't lost her caring nature (laughing her head off when you were diving into the sand)
LOTS OF LOVE MUM + DAD Cant wait to see you all - BIG KISSES FOR LOUIS AND DAISY xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx