happy to see u all arrived safetly. cant wait to talk 2 you all. cant wait to talk 2 the kids on skype were doing a car booty on sunday with joanne.every1 asks about u all leanne cant wait 2 catch u on skype to c wot ur all up2 she went on her first holiday on her own she goes in the army in 7 weeks monday she is gettin scared now. vikki sed she cant wait to talk to her little m8 on skype. baby ethan now weighs 12 lbs. give every1 hugs n kisses from me lots of luv natalie xXx...
Glad to read you arrived safely. Its a shame we wont be able to skype you for a while I really enjoy catching up and seeing you all. Alfie still keeps coming to the computer and shouting daisy.
Tell louis and daisy that Harry talks about them both loads, I still dont think he grasped the idea that your not just round the corner anymore.
give Louis and Daisy super big hugs and kisses from us all.
Enjoy your adventure speak soon hopefully!xxxxxxx
hi everyone,we finally got those postcards you sent,thanks they will be great for my homework. Soon we'll be going back to school and I'm actually looking foward to it because I'm going on a trip! Looking forward to seeing you all soon, (on the webcam!)
Big (Fat) Al
Hi de hi,
Jean sent me the link to your blog, very good too. Just a brief one from me. Glad to see you are enjoying your trip, it is the trip of a lifetime. I'm just about to set off and take the boy David to the Airport and the start of his trip.
Best wishes,
Liz, John And Ella
Hi Guys
Good to see all your latest pics and read your blog. I can't believe how well the kids have adapted to it all. It must make things so much easier for you. Hopefully Ella will be just as good while we're away!!!
My mum and dad were so impressed seeing you on the webcam the other day. Its all totally new to them but there again it was all new to me before you went away.
I'm assuming you are on your way Thailand at the mo. I've just been to see whether you were on line but you weren't. I'm hoping to catch you before we go away on Friday. (Yippee!). So I'll try again tomorrow.
Love and hugs to you all. Extra big squeezes to the kids.
Miss you all.
Lots of love
Liz, John and Ella
Auntie Gill
Gill,Mike,Louis & Daisy
Hi Really enjoyed looking at your fabulous pictures of the Great Wall (and Blog post). It's a great way for us to see what your up to.
Debbies finally moved into her house, so I'm busy repainting at the moment.
Had Ethan on Friday overnight (again) hes georgous, hes really coming along. I beleive you saw him on the webcam.
Hope your journey to Thailand goes smoothly.
Take care on your travels.
Lots of Love
Auntie Gill
Have been frenetically busy over the past week or so, so have just spent an indulgent half hour catching up on your travels! It is like escaping from the grind of everyday life reading your blog (I've spent the day flitting around on the Tube - reading that there is so much more of an exciting world outside the grime of London has been thoroughly therapeutic for me..!) The kids have been stars haven't they?? Well done you two for raising a pair of little troopers - Gabe moans if I don't park near enough to Waitrose so there would be screaming ab dabs if I made him climb billions of steps to get to the top of a wall.
Stay safe and stay lovely. Love you lots.
PS - glad the ipod is still making your pants want to get up and dance!!
hiya all...
ur pictures are great. thanks for the birthday wish tell daisy masie moo that i will speak to her soon if shes still oskin for me give louis a great big cuddle n kiss from me give daisy the same missin u all loads cant wait to talk to u again cant wait to talk to the kids
missin u all millions n trillions xXx mwhaxXx...
Mum & Dad
Hello all.We just love these blogs!!!Don't know what we're going to do when you're moving around and can't put them on.We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope you can get easy access somewhere.We can't check up for the rest of the week anyway as we are off to see the Stones and then off for a couple of days to Bath but we will check when we get back to see if there is any news.
Glad to see the UPS mail has finally been delivered!Thank God!! You can go on a spending spree now! Hope you get a camera ok - (I will have to check on the receipt when we get back as my computer is playing up and I can't access the file just now)
Abbie was made up to see you on Skype although I think it will take her a bit of time to get used to the delay and Gran and Granddad are looking forward to getting on line so they can check up on your progress.Billy is also a follower now and Uncle Alan has asked me to forward your blog address so he can have a look.What was Louis face like when he saw you eating Scorpion?I bet he didn't say he wanted to try it did he.I can just hear Daisy saying "Its Disgustin" but this time I would have to agree with her.Oh God I can hardly even say it let alone do it. It just so happened that after reading your blog and speaking to you on the phone we were having kebabs for tea.Every time I lifted it up off the plate I got a lump in my throat and felt the sick rising at the thought of it being scorpion or star fish.Can't really decide which would be the worst - no, I think scorpion wins.YUCK!!!Love to you all and thanks an million for putting in the effort to keep us updated.It makes us all feel so close to you.Keep them coming.Lots of love mum & dad XXXXX
Oh My!! Who would believe it? Won't eat cabbage or sprouts but a scorpion kebab!!
hey, thanx for giving me this web address its great to see how you're all getting on. they're a really good idea aren't they. you seem to be keeping on top of yours, i got kinda bored of writing mine by the end of my year as you could see. my webpage should still be up and running, i went on today but yes you guessed correctly im back home in england . i actually arrived back 1st Aug!! immediately regretted it even as i was boarding the plane in Delhi, and im still regretting it now. due to thinking i had no money and because i was ill i thought oh ok il go home i suppose. since ive been back i spent the first week in hiding. didnt leave my house as i was too ill and wasnt in the mood for seeing everyone (as bad as that sounds) i was really freaked out for quite along time, i think culture shock was the main reason... eating with knife and fork, duvet on the bed, being able to use your left hand to do things - but i still prefere to use my right hand for everything, if i forget and pick up some food with my left hand il drop it in a panic and pick it back up with my right ( your left hand is your poo hand in India, its very rude to use it)so just about now 3 weeks later im getting use to english culture and in my opinion it sucks!! im still ill but i finally got an appointment at tropical medicine clinic in liverpool yesterday so they gave me some results.. jst another parasite from dirty water, thats been breeding for 4 weeks in my liver and intestines so YAY more antibiotics. im hoping once im better il feel a little more happier in england, and maybe start looking forward to uni. il write an email filling you in on India and attach some photos. Im guessing net cafes there are quite fast as you seem to be using them all the time and you manage to get alot of photos up, it use to take me 10 mins per photo, bloody annoying!
well anywho its lovely to be able to keep track of you guys, keep enjoying yourselfs and take care
Emilie xxx
p.s. a good tip for you - if you ever find yourselves in a stressful annoying situation just find the funny side of it and you'll have an amazing experience!
Abbie And Adam
hi we're enjoying ourselves at home. today we watched THE SIMPSONS MOVIE and you got to see bart's willie and it said a rude word. (The rude word was ass!!!)Gran's is a bit boring because you aren't here to scream when it is too quiet.
a note to the kids from ab, how do you like being famous!
a note to daisy from abbie and adam, I take it from the fact you starved yourself you don't like the spoons!!
a note to louis from abbie and adam, Louis and his girlfriend sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G.!!!!