Great pics we know you're all having a great time Going to send you're site on to Kids on KIng Island.
Spoke to them today the weather there is not too good but by the time you reach OZ it will be good.
Keep all the news coming
Love Irene & Richard
Hi gill, mike, louis and daisy maisy! Sorry i missed you all 2day online. Paul said it was gr8 to c the kids glad ur all having a fantastic time been looking thro all ur pics 2nite ther brilliant. Looks amazing!! Ur message had me hysterical at times my mum even came down frm her room to check i was ok lol!! Miss u all hopefully b able catch u online next time lots of love Shell x x Giv the kids big kisses and cuddles love them loads x x x
hiya gang, just seen ur pics as me mum as been on the computer for days and wudnt let me on, mike me mum said she has sorted the computer out now so where looking forward to seeing u all on the webcam, gillian i cnt believe that there is a mcdonalds, and its nice to c that u r all eating very healthy with crisps, margaret says hiya and she is jealous u cud of put her in suitcase, i hope daisy is still my friend or even betta my best friend she sed b4 she went but we will find out wen we ask her, ethan is 10lbs 10 now.
love vikki x x
Pete, Di, Bailey & Mack
Hi Mike, Gill, Louis & Daisy! Looks like you have already experienced some lifelong moments. Glad to see you are all enjoying yourselves. ( it all as fun as Ormskirk School??!) Seriously though, have fun and keep us all informed and up to date with your adventures - we leave for Oz in 9 days and we can't wait!
Take care and speak to you soon down under.
Oh yeh.....great football shirt Louis - glad to see you have finally seen sense.
Paul Shelley And Joseph
hi gill mikelouis and daisy missing u loads and dead jelous of the views hope the kids are enjoying it. this skpe always says you are of line so avnt been able to see you or the kids so phone me or somthing. There is some one interested in the zafira so i need 2 no how much you want for it, they are really keen, its a young family so get back. speak 2 you all soon luv u loads paul shelley and joey x x x
Auntie Julie
HI Gillian Mike Louis an Daisy its great to see you all having so much fun just wish Mike would have given me computer lessons before you went give kids big kiss from me love you xxx good job these sums are easy
Gran & Grandad
hello mike and gill you look like you are having a good time. The pictures are marvelous. It must be nice to be famous!!
The weather here is lovely at the moment. Abbie and adam been playing badminton at your mum and dads in the garden + we have been having computer lessons. Abbie can have a laugh at us now.
I cant believe how quick the pictures come through. Its great isn't it.
Love you all take care and keep an eye on that luggage. Can't blame the paparatzi the kids are beautiful!!!
Love from gran & grandad
Liz And Ella
Good to see your pics. You all look really well and look like you are having a great time.
Can't believe the kids actually stayed still long enough to have a massage.
I'll hopefully try to Skype you tomorrow. I'm off work (my normal day off, not skiving!). So I'll try and catch you when you are online. I've missed you all week by the time I've got in from work.
Ellas message to Auntie Gill is 'I love you'. She misses you all. We all do.
Will speak to you tomorrow.
Bye for now.
Auntie Gill
Hi all
Love your Photos I feel as if I'm there too. Hope Daisy's OK after Louis having her in a head lock. Enjoy your adventure. Take care. Auntie Gill
Mum & Dad
Hello all.Wow that hotel room is fab all that space and a fridge, freezer and washing machine as well.As you said its more like an apartment isn't it.Hope you manage to get the reduced rate though as £50 per night is a bit steep isn't it?Ha Ha!!Started to get intrigued about the magic salt cellar so tried to look it up on the internet when I realised I wasn't sure how to spell cellar either so I went to ebay and looked for "Salt" thinking there would be many for sale.There were but not a cellar in site there was - shaker, cruet, pots and a set but not a cellar in site!! So the trusty Griffin Dictionary was put to the test and, no, there wasn't one in there either.So back to the internet and it seems it can be spelt celler, or cellar but unfortunately there was nothing about the "Magic one" so I'm none the wiser!!!Have to ask Lisa laterLook forward to seeing your next lot of photos.The web cam/Skype is so good.It makes us feel like you are not so far away.Infact Aunty Rita reminded me that we have seen and spoken to you more since you went than we would have done if you had been here!! True but we still miss you all. Love to the kids - didn't get much chance to speak to them this morning what with Daisy Chimping around and Louis entertaining himself pulling faces into the camera!!Seems like they're doing great.Enjoy yourselves today.Speak soon.Love n hugs n kisses Mum
Auntie Rita And Ian
Hello there,
Just checked the photos - looks like you are having a great time. I have to ask if you packed all the right clothes or have you already been on a shopping spree?
Our Ian his girlfriend and your mum and dad came around for a birthday bbq last night - I was not too sure if it was going to be warm enough to sit out but with the help of the cheminee, a glass or two of wine and of course our "sitting out" coats we were almost glowing by the end of the evening. (Not sure if it was the wine or the stories our Ian was telling us about the "muppets" he works with. I think he could write quite an amusing book maybe call it "A day with the Muppets".
Ian said you had given him a call to wish him "Happy Birthday" in view of the time difference that was a nice surprise.
Although the sun is shining at the moment it is back to work for some of us.
Take care love to the babiesxx
Auntie Rita and Ian.
hi guys, just looked at your fantastic photos, you all look like you are havin a ball!when i told someone about the daisy/ paparazzi style photographs, they said you should start charging per picture! (how weird is that tho?imagine the same response to the people working in our local chippy?!) same old, same old here, although kitchen close to completion-thank god. been workin on it all day&just drank 1/2 bottle wine in record time! hope you are all well and enjoying the big adventure, lots of love and kisses to all, lisa&
ps.sent e-mail, don't know if you got, it but if not, i also have read the magic salt sellar(it fills&fills?not unlike the magic porridge pot)