The way I tell it, the book Against The Current basically fell into being. It was the result of my blogging during the year Liz and I spent living in board and cruising the French inland waterways.
But there's more to it than that.
I enjoyed writing the blogs and sharing our adventures with an unseen audience, and the encouraging feedback kept me writing. So thank you to those who sent warm fuzzies; I couldn't have done it without you.
How the blogs became an actual book, what inspirations drove me, how I came to choose self-publishing over knocking on the doors of mainstream publishers and agents, what marketing tools I employed and a whole host of other aspects, are all covered in an interview I did with Paul Teague.
Paul is a marketing guru and self-published author. As a former broadcaster it's perhaps no surprise that he now hosts a series of podcasts called Self-Publishing Journeys, and each week he interviews a different author about their personal journey. It's a great idea. I wish I'd thought of it!
Anyway, this week it was my turn. I met Paul back in May at this year's Self-Publishing Conference in Leicester- he'd come along to the session I hosted called Self-Promotion for Self-Publishers, and afterwards asked me to take part in one of his podcasts.
The difference between being interviewed in a podcast against, say, a radio or TV interview, is that there's no time limit... you don't have to hurry up in order to finish in time for the news on the hour, or squeeze your interview into an allotted five-minute slot.
In a podcast the conversation can flow freely, unconstrained, and so it did when Paul talked to me for this week's Self-Published Journey. You can hear the whole thing here:
- comments
Bob Turk Good morning . Have you moved yet ?
David The background to your writing is fascinating. Way to go!