Germans are gruff, French are impolite, young people are all trouble, Belgians dont't have a sense of humour, and the Swiss are exact. Oh, and French food is always fabulous.
These are cliches and stereotypical statements on which many a comedy sketch has been founded. Monty Python ("Don't mention the war!"), Not the Nine O'Clock News, Armstrong and Miller, Aufweidersehen Pet... all have got mirthly mileage out of cultural stereotypes, rightly or wrongly. So, with living in France and especially amongst a very international boating community, what have we learned so far? How do the stereotypes stack up?
Starting with the last on the list, French food in general leaves a lot to be desired, and the belief that it's all high quality everywhere is wrong. Our experience to date is that it is mediocre in general, and just plain awful in many cases, with very little care taken over preparation or presentation. Admittedly, we haven't been dining in Michelin Star restaurants, but the fare in your average cafe is bland, bland, bland. It's not fare, and it's overpriced. You can easily pay NZ$18 for a toasted sandwich, which has all the culinary excitement of cardboard.
On the other hand, the French have in no way disappointed with their politeness, which has been off the scale at times and usually incredible. We had read somewhere that when you go into a boulangerie or similar it is imperative you look Madame in the eye and say very clearly, "Bonjour Madame!" with enthusiasm. This establishes you as trustworthy and genuine. It seems to work, and we cringe when we see others (English usually!) avoid or ignore any greeting and just point to something, saying loudly, "Two please" (because, as we all know, the way to communicate in a foreign country is to shout...)
Between themselves the French are inordinately polite. Men shake hands when meeting, no matter how casually, and sometimes even kiss. The women always greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. As for ourselves as foreigners, we are treated very courteously by strangers, who might just be out walking their dog, but as they pass they say "Bonjour", and often "Bonjour Madame, Monsieur". We now always do the same. Gerard at the marina even once shook my hand, something that made me feel almost local. I must buy a beret.
And kids? Unbelievably, the French youth are also polite. We've had kids as young as ten walk by the boat and say "Bon soir" to us as we sat on deck having a drink, or "Bonjour" as they cycle past on the path.
Germans are gruff. Really? Hard to say from our limited experience - our research can hardly be called exhaustive - but out of all the cultures we've met so far in the boating community, the Germans at St Jean de Losne didn't smile, didn't greet us, and didn't say "danke" after we had helped with their ropes. They are now on notice to disprove their reputation, and we look forward to our next encounter. No really, we do.
Similarly, our experience of the Swiss is also limited, though remember those on board Rosi at Verdun sur le Doubs wanting to know which way we were headed as we departed? Then later overook us at the entrance to the next marina in order to get a mooring ahead of us. That showed some planning and precision, something the Swiss are noted for. But hardly enough evidence to support cultural stereotypicality, if there is such a word.
Finally, Belgians don't have a sense of humour. Well, we haven't gone around seeking any out to tell jokes to, but last evening a boat crewed by two Belgians moored behind us in the marina here at Lyon. They spent the whole evening laughing.
Probably they'd just heard us discussing how nice a plate of fish and chips would be.
- comments
David Great blog, V, entertaining & I must look up that nouvelle treat,a 'toatsed' sandwich next time I'm in Farnce. xxx
Mike Thanks David. Here's a toats to your proofreading skills (error now fixed!)
Mandy I love your blogs and updates
Cleve Hi Guys. We love reading your blog. It's very entertaining and a brilliant break from the frantic pace of a winter term. We atre on holiday now so able to pop our heads up and enjoy the things around us.