Today was our first full day at sea. I slept quite well last night. There is a definite movement of the ship, which is noticeable almost all the time, even in bed. It's not unpleasant. The ship is travelling quite slowly, about 15 knots per hour.
After breakfast I walked a mile around the Promenade deck, it was really cool and quite damp. During the morning I came third in the individual quiz (on the Royals) and joined in the Battle of the Sexes quiz, honours even on day one.
At midday we held our forum meeting and it was nice to finally put faces to the people I've been chatting to for the last few months. Then we had the cabin crawl, only 8 of the 11 original sets of crawlers participated, but we had a good time and saw lots of different cabin types.
Lunch with some of the group, then third again in the individual quiz and on the winning team of day one of the Giant Scrabble game.
Smart dress code this evening. After dinner, Jimmy James was the entertainment. He was good. Then it was a movie quiz (second) and syndicate quiz (second again). Clocks go back one hour tonight.
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