Day 2- Dear Diary,
Woke about 7am (yes I know I'm on holiday!!) & a rush of blood to the head & decided that in order to keep up my marathon training (ok you can all stop laughing now) it would be a good idea to go for a jog along the beach with the sea lapping my feet, perfect. But oh no, it soon dawned on me (after only 10 mins) that this was up there with the worst decisions I have ever made!! Better idea was to just to chill out in the pool. It was still a great way to start the day.
Very hot with patches of cloud so got some beach action. Problem with going to sunny climates on your own is that there is that small section of your back that you just can't reach to put sun cream on! Yep, you've guessed it I have a nice red stripe across my back. I'm obviously making out that it is a birth mark, but not sure i'm fooling anyone!!
As I lay there (with my non see through speedos!) I had time to contemplate 'what a way to live your life this was', 'should i go for a swim or have a drink first', 'how do i get rid off Lincoln the beach seller ("you remember my name Marc, it's Lincoln as in the american president" - yeah whatever Lincoln!!)' - all the major issues in the world today..!!
Dinner was excellent, had a really good curry. Asked lots of questions about what was in it, but can't even remember what meet it was - tasted like chicken though!
Moment of the day - Young boy went to see what desserts where available & came back to tell his mum that they had Poisoned Mouse Cake. But it was Passion Mousse Cake! Oh god how I laughed. Even now it gets me....
P.S. - it was not a squirrel!! Not sure if I've seen the culprit again as, I know this is very non PC, but they all look alike!!
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