Dear Diary (29/11),
Left Rotorua at 8.20am after another heavy night out (I can see a theme building here!!) on way to Waitomo.
Went to a geothermal park which even if you did get to see the geisha's blow, would still have been a waste of money!!
After park we all had some hands on cultural experience. The girls were taught how to use Poys (a ball on a piece of rope) & us fellas were taught the Haka (well a part of it anyway). Really wish Lee & Jow\e were there to do it as well, would have been hilarious.
We then had to perform what we had learnt in front of each other. All very funny, if a little cringe worthy. Am trying to get a video of our Haka as my camara decided to run out of battery at that point!
Chilled in the afternoon at our hostel which gave me the opportunity to do some much needed washing.
Had a BBQ in the evening for the whole bus (circa 25 people). Had a really good night & everyone got involved. Went to the local pub near the hostel & I'm not sure they knew what hit them, especially Judy Jugs!!
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