Ok so today I leave Vienna, in certain ways I'm a bit sad to be doing so, but then Bratislava is calling !
Final thoughts ? I liked it here, I think though I liked it because it was Austria and it's the country as a whole that grabbed me. The train from Prague was nice, nice pretty scenery etc, but as soon as you hit Austria it's completely different. The most gorgeous of sunset greeted me and that set me off just lovely along with lovely lush green fields, mountains in the background and a whole sense of "it's nice here."
Austria do a lot of things right and in Vienna, to a degree the show-case town for the country, they have everything just as it should be, everything that matters is just right and Austrians can feel rightly proud of their country.
Vienna is expensive of that there is no doubt. Trinkets and souvenirs are over priced but you know they are of a superior quality. You won't find anything in the souvenir shops that you can class as "cheap s***" it's all good stuff. That's Vienna in a nutshell then, nothing is "cheap s***" here. There is no Primark in Vienna (I don't think there is), no Sports a Direct or low budget High Str shops here - maybe in the neighbourhoods there is, but in the centre of Vienna, they cater for the tourists and nothing else matters.
Essentially that's it - the Viennese and probably the Austrians, cater for what matters and it isn't themselves, it's other people, they seem to me to want everybody else be happy and once they are, then they can too.
I liked Vienna, I love Austria and will be a little sad at leaving such a beautiful country.
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