I have no idea where I left off and what my last blog entry was about so I guess I will just fill you in on what has happened the last 2 weeks, approximately.So, today it is wednesday afternoon and friday almost two weeks ago was the last friday we had at the house in Colva. After packing our stuff and having lunch we said goodbye to our teacher Camilla and left off for Baga, a beach town north of Panjim, the capital of Goa. It was very weird leaving the house and knowing that we wouldn't return there again and knowing that this was our final weekend together. Well, we spend a nice weekend in Baga with fashion show at Tito's on Friday night. Tito's is the reason why Goa is famous for its discoteques and partying - this is where all the young, hip and rich Indians go as well as the Western hippies and backpackers present in that area. Well, the fashion show was just hilarious and sort of sad as well. Firstly some of the clothes were really goofy and out of place and secondly the models were not particularly professional or knew the choreography, which we thought was great fun. But also the fashion show really tried to imitate the west or at least how the designers saw the west and mirrored their views on western fashion shows…. You probably get the picture….We also tried banana boating - pretty funny even including the 5 times we fell off the boat and the couple of liters of sea water that I swallowed on one of these occasions. I also tried parasailing as the sun set - very nice except for the fact that we were 6 people on the boat that all had to try and the boat was very unsteady… My stomach no good - almost went over the railing. Saturday night was spent at Mambo's partying and drinking and getting absolutely no sleep (I am getting too old for that) and Sunday slowly wasted away. Camilla, Nikolaj, Jeanette and Trine had to leave for the airport at 3 in the morning so Jens and I got up to say goodbye - sniff…… Jens and I then left for the airport ourselves at 1 that afternoon and headed towards Bangkok - I invited Jens along to Thailand with Elsa and I since he would otherwise have had to stay in India alone for more than a week. After meeting up with Elsa on Tuesday morning we had breakfast (absolutely horrible and a complete waste of money) and then we went to see the Grand Palace in Bangkok, we went for a ride in a Thai long-tail boat on the canals in Bangkok, had lunch at a street kitchen, drove around the city in a tuk-tuk for about an hour and then had a traditional Thai massage for 1 hour (and no, no services!!!). Mmmm. At 10 at night we then caught a bus for the north; Chiang Mai in order to transfer on to Pai where we would do a 2 day rafting tour on the Pai river. For some reason we chose the normal bus from Chaing Mai to Pai rather than a mini van and that was an experience on its own. We were the only tourists on this overcrowded bus that had a maximum speed of about 50 km/hour and most of the time we were going up hills at 10-20 km/hour so rather than the 3 hours we expected, the transfer took more than 5 hours…… Sigh… But fun - especially when the bus driver got out and went under the bus with a wrench. He he.We then did the two days of rafting - fun but not quite wild enough. There were many very long stretches were we just sat in the boat and drifted along the river and the rapids were not particularly difficult or crazy. But the other people on the tour were nice and we had a great time both at the camp we were staying (pics uploaded) and the day after the rafting finished were we met up with them for a few beers. The day after we then transferred back to Chiang Mai to take a bus to Chaing Rai where we were supposed to do a 3 days trekking tour along with one of Elsa's colleagues, Tanja. And again, for some reason, we got the crappy bus with 5 seats in a row instead of the normal 4 so it was a bit tight with space for the 3.5 hours bus ride. The trekking was great fun - we walked through jungle, up water streams, slippery rocks and wilderness. And I didn't even panic our off fear for spiders!!! Ok, at some place where the shrubbery was particularly dense I would wait for the others to move a bit distance ahead of me in order to make room for my sprint through itJ but I managed just fine! We then spend the night at a small hill tribe (Lahu) village in the midst of cows, pigs, hens, chickens, dogs and cats. It was great except for the time where we heard a small pig squealing and later there was a fire going in the village - I apparently turned out the be great company for one of the village girls (dumb) and she spent a lot of time playing with my hair and also showed me (dragged) around the village and we saw the fire… At first I didn't understand why the villagers would burn cow dung but then I saw a leg sticking out at a funny angle and it turned out to be the small piggy we had heard a little while back…. Buhu… I will cut down on the amount of meat I am eating when I return to Denmark - I have already started and have found that Tofu is ok… And the next morning we saw a small pig stuffed live into a bag and tied to a motorbike and while the driver was away the pig trudged confused around in its bag trying the escape and one of its brothers or sisters came sniffing the bag - heart breaking… Anyway, the trekking continued that day through mud and fields and wilderness and we then had a dip at a hot spa before going on a long tail boat ride up the river to a very nice resort where we spent the night in a real BED!!!! And there was a real shower!!!! First proper shower in a week! The last day was spent kayaking, visiting the Burmese hill tribe with the long necks (illegal refugees that are not allowed to leave their village if they wish to stay in Thailand - so basically a local open air prison) before transferring back to Bangkok where I am presently sitting on an internet café. Today we have just spent relaxing - I have been measured for some clothes I am having made, we (or I for some things) then had facial treatments, manicure, pedicure, bikini wax (boys at the office, we can discuss that later on occasion…) and a massage. Aaahhhhhhhh. And finally we tonight transfer toward Ko Chang where we will go diving!!! Yipeee!!!!Well I better finish up now - I will write sometime next week when I will be back in India. Wow, that will be interesting - I will start the volunteer work for one thing but also I have no idea how the social life will be like there and by now I have really come to enjoy Thailand. Who is up for 4-5 weeks of backpacking through Thailand, Laos and Cambodia next summer??????? Sniff… Gotta go - hugs to all! And happy birthday to those I haven't spoken to or written - sorry but I barely now the time, the day of the week or the date - and also BIG BIG CONGRATS to all people defending their ph.d's back home!
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