Today's my birthday & its a first, being aboard on my special day. After being rudely awakened by the maids and desperately trying to cover my bits before they barged in! LoL. It was time to open my cards and after sun creaming up we went to Merlins for Brunch. I had my first pint of the day to wash it down with.
It was then a day around the pool, as always we couldn't resist the water slides and we managed to persuade Vicky to join in the fun. I couldn't resist in telling her to come down the slide on her belly head first, as you can probably guess what I hope would happen! And it did!!! All caught all on my iPhone in a slow motion video. It's hilarious as she surface's and realise's she's hanging out of her bikini top! The shock and embarrassment registering on her face as she realises what's happened. She then scrambles to rectify her predicament not realising that she's now hanging out of the bottom of the bikini top. To top it of, she was surrounded with young lads who had also just exited the slides. I don't know how I kept the camera still as I was belly laughing so much!! "Its made my day, that has Vicky" as the recently departed Stephen Lewis would similarly say! (Blakey, On the Buses).
Later the kids played on the trampoline park over the road whilst Vicky finished off getting ready for the evening and it was off to Pito's. A little disappointing as my 1st & 2nd choice of meal had sold out! It was certainly made up for though as they bought out a surprise chocolate pudding with a candle in for my Birthday. The problem was eating it though, as I was stuffed from my main meal! Again in Aloha, friends asked us to join them and they kindly purchased us a round of drinks, followed by Eduardo making me a surprise Birthday cocktail complete with sparkler and served in a topless lady ceramic mug! The barman also brought me one of the Aloha necklaces with my cocktail.
A little after 2am we were shocked to find it had started raining but we carried on and we called it a night at 3am a little worse for wear!
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