Your last blog reminded me that Reds in Putney has closed, I don't know about the one in Wimbledon.
Happy New Year! Lovely to think of you enjoyng yourself in the hot weather while we are all freezing. Hannah has thoroughly enjoyed the last two weeks - more snow than she has ever seen in her life and it stayed until after Christmas!
Look forward to hearing more when you reach Australia.
Love from Jenny, John and Hannahxxx
Happy New Year!
Hi Mel,
It's good to see you are still have such a great, interesting time. You seem to be in the best place - it is freezing here in Manchester and there has been several inches of snow - most of it now slush and ice. It was very pretty last night, though. I hope you have a lovely Christmas wherever you are, and we look forward to hearing all about it on your next blog.
Take care, lots of love,
Jo W
Hi Melton,
It is soooo snowy here in York. We are all very excited for Santa' s imminent arrival. Hope you have a fab time. MERRY CHRISTMAS Love from Jo + Paul + Freddie + Lola xxxxxxx
Hi ya
Loving keeping up to date with your travels! I am so jealous as bleedin freezing here!
This time last year we were preparing for South Africa, very happy memories!
Have a fab Christmas and a very happy new year. Love H XXX
Hi Mel
Have loved reading your blog. Takes my mind off cold, snowy England. It is so cold here. Well at least I've finished for Christmas, I even managed to get all the pressies bought before Christmas Eve! a first.
Looking forward to reading more.
Have a great warm Christmas.
Debs W
so glad to hear you are having a fab time. sounds warmer and brighter than cold London. have a good christmas- hope it is in an exciting spot. look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
PS - any cycling planned?
Hi Mel,
Glad you're obviously having a great time...knew you would. You'll be delighted to hear it's truly cold over here right now!
Looking forward to seeing you again next year. Yesterday I booked a flight to India for the end of February...already looking forward to it.
Merry Christmas.
Jo W
Hi Melton,
How strange that everyone is talking about Miranda. Me and Freddie watched it and absolutely howled. You will so love it. Enjoying reading your blog and glad you are having fun. It is v xmassy now and i am up to my eyes in xmas plays!. The Mini should be back tomorrow with its repaired rear. Have fun xx Jo
Jo Winn
Hi Melanie
I also watched Miranda last night, it is hilarious and had me in stitches. I must remember to watch it next week.
I hope you took some photo's of the cave for the splendid JH's benefit - I would have.
Wish I was with you, but I will be thinking of you while I drink my Brillante at the weekend with Emma.
Hi Melanie.
This is your brother. It's a great shame you're not in the country at the moment because there's this great TV show on at the moment called "Miranda". It's about this woman who looks and behaves almost exactly like your sister. It's really quite hilarious. I must remember to get you the DVD for your birthday.
Hope you're keeping well and avoiding all the unspeakable wildlife, indigenous populace etc.