Hiya Mel, Just got home from another fun-filled day at work (dark all day now - where is the sun???) and found a parcel from you. Thanks so much. Presents will go under the tree (once it's up) and the card has been opened! You are very naughty sending us these little parcels!!! And Hannah is starring in the end of term play at church - she is VERY excited. Carry on enjoying yourself - Jenny
Hi ya matey
Been catching up on your travels sounds fab so far! Loving the cookery courses you've done scrummy!!!! I hope Cambodia lives up to expectations. Enjoy and take care of yourself.
Loads of Love Helen X
Sorry, I think it's partly my mistake as I titled it wrongly. Jo, I reckon you'll be needing that old rickshaw now your mini is smashed up! I hope you have recovered from the shock.
Sorry Mel, of course I got that blog - it is just that it came up as Luang Nam Tha and you put Namtha which threw me. All the foreign names are confusing.
love, Frim
Jo W
It all sounds great fun Melton. I wanted a pic of the beer swilling German girl. I have had an eventful weekend a bloody great tractor has crashed into the back of the Mini, myself and Lola were in it. We are unharmed but the back of the car is knackered! Enjoy your travels.
Love Jo and the gang.
ps I got your postcard of that glam old lady!
Sorry, Mel, I didn't get that one - Luang Namtha. Hope you can track it down. Happy travelling,
love, Frim
Did anybody read my blog about the trek in Luang Namtha? I can't find it on my site now and I don't know if it ever was there. The one entitled Luang Namtha was about Muang Ngoi! I am hoping to add more photos but this is not a good computer.
Hi Mel, Wow the photo's are amazing, sitting here on a cold wet Sunday morning wondering if I can throw together a basis Thai curry, the food looks so yummy. Look forward to reading more. take care and enjoy.
Jo Winn
A pedicuare, already? Shouldn't you save that for the beach? Love the blog and photos. I'm back from Australia, had a fab time and will tell you all about it in a letter. I've sent a postcard vis Poste Restant but not to Vientiane as I didn't think it would get there on time - I sent it to Kompong Cham.
Hi Mel,
I am really enjoying the blogs. I think they took your temperatures in case anyone had swine flu. I saw an item on the news where they were doing it to passengers entering a country but can't remember where it was. I don't like the sound of that bed with the ants - glad you got a decent room in the end.
I am really looking forward to the next instalment.
Take care, lots of love,
Kate Wheeler
Dear Mel
Love the informative stories, you could make a mint with a book on your return, why you had your temp taken whilst getting into a country is beyond me, smile. How did you cross the river did the bus float?
Looking forward to reading your next saga.
Much love
Kate xxx
Kate Wheeler
Dear Mel
Love the informative stories, you could make a mint with a book on your return, why you had your temp taken whilst getting into a country is beyond me, smile. How did you cross the river did the bus float?