I hate you. Those pictures from barbagello look awesome!! i'll text you soon. i just wanted to put something on this web site coz i was feeling left out.
Hey you! Didnt even know you were in Perth till I read up on OldFriends! :) Hope you're having a great time over there! :) :) Look forward to hearing all your stories and seeing your photos
Lou M
Hey Michelle! Great to see some photo's! How's the job hunt going? Man that weather looks mint!!!
Hello Michelle!!! Liking your photos - I've been to those places in Perth!!! And I'm coming again next Tuesday! Should catch up then - will have to work out a good time as already booked 12hr day trips and going to brother's graduation etc etc. Hope you hear good news on the job front soon. Luv, Boram
Percy - Tip Top
Hey Michelleeeee !!
Good to see your still alive. Just read all your blogs since Im s*** bored at work.. looks like youv'e turned into a bit of a tourist a !!!
So still no work huh ? Trust me its overrated !!
Keep in touch !
Hey Girl, thanks for the photo's. looks like your having a really good time! glad to see.
Take care,
Talk soon :)
Hey you, Glad to see you having a blast. Good for you. Make the most of it girl you only young once!!!
Hey chic, great to see your photos! I wish i could come see you, have fun aye, hope you get a job soon.