It looks like you are having a fantastic time. I hope it isn't going to fast for you. Love and best wishes, Vicki
Mitch Neumann
Hi Christian,
we have been doing lots of NAPLAN practice. I went to Biblesong tonight we played volleyball and baseball!!!! When are you going to the baseball game? I bet you will have trouble seeing the ball because the game will be so fast!! I have been playing under 11's footy for Loxton North we have won every game!! Everyone is very well here:)
Have a fantastic time Christian.
Judy & Barry
Hi Hansen Family, Great to read of your travels and what an exciting time you are having. We have just returned after spending over 2 weeks in Victoria and the last 4 days in Adelaide. Nala is behaving herself and is no trouble. She is having a wonderful time with Snowy. Take care and God Bless.
Adrian And Beth
Hello!! And Happy Mother's Day to you Anne.
Hey, we can't see any bandages on you Mark. No brown bears???
Great to follow your meanderings,you must be keeping within the law, there hasn't been any news bulletins hitting the media over here!!
Great cool weather here predicted for the next 6 days, and, NO RAIN.
We are up in the Flinders ranges this coming weekend to attend an Astro Camp.
Keep hugging the R.H. side of the blacktop and ENJOY.( especially the stolen quality time that Mums and Dads need )
Theo & Del
Hi looks like ur all having a great time even sparky the picks are realy good, keep on having lots of fun.
Happy Holidaying...
Teresa Morgan
WOW!!! What a fun time you are having! I'm SO HAPPY for you! We are getting lots of fun things planned to do while you are in Audubon. All the extended family are excited to see you too. And I keep having people tell me they are excited to hear you preach Mark! It'll be a wonderful time! Lots of Love, Teresa
Ted Rossing
Looking forward to hosting you all here in the Twin Cities in just 10 days! (That's Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota for you Aussies following along! Cheers!) ;-)
Tyla Jones
Hi Emma, I miss you alot. Are you having a good time? Misty is going good. Our class did a projet on anything we wanted to. I chose a rabbit and we had to make it. Hope you like America from Tyla :o)
Hi Hansen family we hope you are having a wonderflul time in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) P.S. see ya soon:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitch Neumann
Howdy Christian that Grand canyon is just to cool!!!!!!!!!!! I've been missing you. It looks like you are having heaps of fun at the US :) Its getting much colder here and much more boring with out you. Have fun seeya MITCHEE
Grandma Linda
You are getting closer & closer to Iowa!! Yeah!! What a fantastic trip you are having! It will be a highlight for many years to come. I really enjoyed reading about your jeep adventures as it brought back so many wonderful memories of the times we drove those treacherous mountain roads!! Have a wonderful adventure and God bless you all!! I'll be giving you all hugs real soon! Love you, Grandma Linda
Sandra Schober
Hi Anne, Mark & family, just got onto your site and checked out your blogs and photos!! Looks like you're having a wonderful time. Is great to hear what you've been up to. Keep having a wonderful holiday. Sandra & James Schober xx