I am nearly always checking your blog . See you in week 2 term 3.
love Amelia
Hi Jonah and family.
We received your postcard today. Thankyou very much. I apologise for being so slack in not sending you messages. Jonah I'm sure you still remember all the many interruptions we have in Year 6/7! I will hopefully get the class to have a look at your blogs tomorrow or on Thursday before we go on holidays. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! We are all looking forward to our holidays...and to seeing you again! God bless you all
Miss Jaensch
Hi Guys!
Looks like you are still having a wonderful time! We miss you! Noah cried the night we had to say good-bye to you all. I think he realized it would be a long time until we see you again, and he had such fun playing with the kids.
Not sure if you got my email. Aikidyn was born on June 18th. 6.75# and 20.5 inches. She is beautiful! Has Josh's long arms and legs. She is doing wonderfully. I wasn't able to go see her at first, d/t I had a very bad cold. But I went to see her yesterday. She is so cuddlie! I sent you a pic. on email. Hope you are able to get it. I will try to send you a real picture soon.
It was SO GOOD to be able to spend time with you all. Seems like there was never anytime between us! Just that the kids got much bigger!
You all continue with your wonderful vacation, and have a safe time as well.
Lots and Lots of Love,Teresa
Year 3 Class
Hi Emma,
We spent this afternoon composing messages about what we have been up to this term. Here is the news that we wanted to fill you in on:
We had sports Day and green won, red came second, blue came third and yellow in fourth place. (Mae)
I am doing a project on Colorado (Bella)
The class and I went to Mrs wormald's farm and I got lost (Jesse).... he didn't really... we would let a kid get lost (Mrs Wormald).
I am doing a project on L.A. (Abbey)
We ae doing a project. I am doing Manhatten Island (Austin)
We went to Mrs Wormald's farm and we made s'mores (Tarquin)
We have been doing Powerpoints about the USA (Riley)
We have been doing 3D shapes in Maths.
We had a Chapel service at the Resthome (with our buddies) (Meg)
Hi Emma, I hope you are having a great time. I loved the s'mores. They were yum. (Sam)
We are doing projects. Mine is Monument Valley. Any information would be welcome, thanks. (Chelsea)
Hi Emma, we went to the Resthome with our buddies. And we had casual day/ Crazy Hair Day today. (Emerson)
To Emma, I am doing a project on ice hockey (Callan)
I made a Powerpoint on Greenfield Village Museum. (Tyla)
To Emma, we are learning about the USA and we're doing a Powerpoint. My project is the Capitol Building in Washington. See You Soon. Karli.
The class met an American person called Mrs Egan. (laura)
my Powerpoint is on grid iron and I am leaving (Bailey).... Bailey and his family left today. They are moving to Queensland where Bailey's dad has a new job. (Mrs Wormald)
To Emma, my project is Niagara Falls and I am also leaving (Reinhard)
Reinhard and his family are moving to Adelaide in the holidays. We are having a farewell lunch for them on Tues with our buddy class. (Mrs Wormald).
We have been making Powerpoints about America. Mine is about the Statue of Liberty. (David)
Hope that fills you in on a bit of what is happening around here. Our class did a Chapel service earlier in the term and we are doing Chapel again at the end of next week. We continue to read your blogs every week and look at the photos.... it's wonderful thank you.
From Mrs Wormald and Mrs Wright.
Jo Jones
Hiya :o)
Looks like you guys are having the best time and I am sure that there is some sadness that you only have a few weeks to go.
In our house, on the other hand, we have complete excitement from Tyla that you will return soon and that bunny stories will again be written.
Ben is not so sure how he feels about you returning home as he doesn't know if he will be able to say goodbye to Frank :o) Who is doing very well by the way.
We pray that you continue to travel safe and have the most enjoyable and blessed time.
Love from Jo, Ben, Tyla & Max
Abbey Klix
Hi Emma and Hansens,
I hope all of you are all having
fun.I really wish I was there
having fun. The photos and blogs
you have sent us are interesting
I hope you all stay safe.
God bless
Mrs Wormald
Hi Emma and all the Hansens
Thanks for all the information about s'mores... I'd never jeard of them before.
Guess what - we had a go at making s'mores... and we had a "real" American come and help us! Mrs Egan (from Florida) visits Loxton every year and when I told her that we were planning to make s'mores she offered to help us... so it was off to the Wormald Farm and a campfire in the scrub to make it happen.
I'll get the rest of the class to fill you in on what they thought and how are day went etc.
Glad to see you're having such a great time. Keep safe and may God bless.
Mrs Wormald
Amelia Fulham
BBBOOO HI mrs Hansen
have fun
lloovvee Amelia
Amelia Fulham
Tyla Jones
Hi Emma I miss you a lot. Are you having a good time? Can you please send me a post card about Greenfield, Village musuem becaue that is what my project is on this term and I know you are going there tomorrow. From Tyla
Glenis Albrecht
Hi Hansen family.Following your trip with interest. Ilove all the great photos.Keep safe and well. Love Glenis.
Peter Eckermann
Love to you Hansens! This looks like the trip of a lifetime! Bless you