My look fantastic..very chilled and obviously having a great time....I am so glad you went for it and are enjoying it. WOW is all I can say...
It has persuaded us to take the boys out of school and travel (and I am not joking) is short and there is so much to much better for a child to see such things....Blackpool here we come hehe!
dont worry about missing messages...was only Ollies and was irrelevent hehe...
Who is Sarah by the way, and will we get to meet her hehehehe
Take care littlelest brother..thinking of you....
Gaynor, and kids
Hi everybody,
Apologies on befalf of the web site - they lost the messages database and couldn`t retrieve everything so the last few postings have gone AWOL. To quote the db admin, "ooh ooh ooh, ah ah ah! WAAGHH!". Monkies.
Any way, am still having a great time and have stopped for a week in a place called Guanajuato, just above Mexico City to do a week of Spanish lessons, a real bargain at 75 dollars for 20 hours. It a great town, a world heritage site, theres loads to do as this week is the international festival in Mexico, and Guanajuato is hosting the music side of things. Tonight I am going to watch the Mexican Ballet and some South African groups brought over especially.
In answer to some of the postings that have gone missing, Gaynor, yes I do remember what washing is although I am down to one pair of trousers, and Sarah, I may take you up on that offer when I get back :-)
Any way, I hope you all enjoy the photos of the Copper Canyon and I will get more posted very soon. Watch this space.
P.S I drank s*** loads of Tequila in Tequila.
Simon Phillips
Come on Martin get some more pics on for us to look at!!
Preferably not involving you, a wet cod and an industrial size drum of swarfega, i still have not recovered from the last one of those i saw!
Have a good time pal, see you in a year.
Hi Martin, hope you are still having a nice time,Zara has been working with me today at Greentrees, she has been in the shop. It has rained non stop today and is cold and miserable, even the chickens did not come out for long. Are you homesick yet? Love, Mum.
Big Sis Gaynor
Well Oli, I would kindda like to meet you!
Hehe..come on you really think mum wont know what a bong is hehe
You are soooo dead when you get home...nah..she would have forgotten by 10 months....unless you forget to bring me a pressie and I remind her!
Sounds like you are still enjoying....keep us addos at home up to day with where you are!!!
Well martin!!!! what can i saw but u jammy sod ure making me cry with envy the pics look beautiful and im in complete awe and wonder at the scenery - wow it definatley looks soul searching! As for the getting lost its all part of the 'journey' and all in all its 'character building' to say the least. I miss u loads actaully, those days of just 'popping over are greatly missed buddy ;) Let me come out and visit u - il take you on the bike when u get back............hmmm not a great exchange really, but its all i have to over apart from my groovy, mad company ;) The mind of wisdom flows like water, reflects like a mirror and repsonds like a echo.......go by your circumstances, listen to your intutition (run when big bears come!), anyway, listen to your intuition so u dont have to make a decision, instead u can let them make themsleves. Let your mind flow and reflect what it sees, let your sould respond with the answer. A lot of crap?! Who knows, it sounds good aand at one time meant something - maybe ul find that also on your travels with the 'sould searching' thingy that captures u ;)
Big Sis Gaynor
Typical mum...cheese sandwiches..perfect bear for the pulling...can you get condoms in the Rocky Mountains or do you rely on the high atmosphere killing the little b*****s off?
Sounds like you are having a great time Martin..We are getting a huge map of the world and are going to pin your trip, so the kids can see where you are staying, complete with copies of your pictures.
Soooo jealous!!!!!
take care Uncle Travelling Matt!!!
Martin, sounds like you are having fun and chilling out a bit, just a small note ... there have been some "New Information" calls come in that are still assigned to you ... any chance you can have a quick look though 234765, 243876, 234987 and 256433 ?
Also if you want to drop in to ELAN on the way Brian Benthal would love to have a chat about some issues, he may even let you out again ... you never know.
Other than that more updates please
Hi Everyone,
I'm uploading some photos for your enjoyment. I got that photo of the bear for you, Sally. Missed the best shot, the Mother and the cub walked out of the bushes behind our car whilst we were parked. I turned to look out the window and the cub was looking in!
Having a great time. In san fran now. I'll try and get a proper update done this week, especially about Salt Lake and the Mormons.
Miss L
Hey you!!! Thanks for the email - so cool to hear from you although I am very green with envy now :-) Sounds like you are having a fab time, I can't believe how much you've crammed in already! Missing you loads :-)
Jd Wetherspoons, Woking
Please, Please come back...profits are down and the area manager is on my case.
We have a curry night on Thursday and I'll do you two-for-one on all shorts.
The Manager.
Please try and get us a picture of a real rockie mountain bear, the camera flash should blind him enough for you to leg it away in time. Sounds like you are having a great time.