Castaway Baldwin
Hi Everybody,
I have finally got around to updating you all on where I am. I knew the rocky mountains are a bit out of the way but no internet access? It's just plain wrong :-)
So far we have followed the following route - NY, Niagra, Toronto,Chicago, Denver and the Rockies. We have rapidly grown tired of city hopping, although there have been many cool aspects, Central Park in New York is always great, Naigra falls was absolutely stunning and the hostel manager was a drunk mancunian so I got first dibs on the comfy bed, We stayed in China town in Toronto which was fantastic - lots of new sounds, sights and, often unforunately, smells. Chicago - not enough time spent drinking beer in the house of blues. Lots of trannies.
I have just spent the last three days camping on the Rocky Mountain National Park and it has definately been the high light of the trip so far; I expect there will be a lot of those! Not a bit like UK camping I am happy to say, you get your own semi-secluded area with a fire place so you can really make a concerted effort to burn your self alive without interruption. After a few hit and miss attempts (resulting in 25 gram steaks), we have been living on steak sandwiches cooked on the fire, whilst drinking local warm fizzy ales. We did however spoil ourselves to a posh meal kindly payed for by my mum as a reward for hiking 2000 ft to the top(ish - snow got the better of us) of Flat top mountain in the rockies. Our altitude at the pinnacle of our asce3nt was a whopping 12000 ft. The effects of the altitude were noticeable (tight chest, heart getting ready to explode etc), but luckily nothing fell off in the cold.
We are in Salt Lake City public library at the mo, just about to collect a hire car to check out a spiral geezer, and then should be going up to Yellow stone, maybe catch us some bears - Good eatin' I hear!
Updates and some absolutely stunning (hopefully) photos to come.
Greyhounds are an experience, more on that next time.
Having a great time when not lost :-)
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