Max & Dean Year Out 05/06
Well - we're still alive...have manged to get the hang of driving a camper. Thankfully. Was a bit of a slow start - I think the guy in the rental place must have wondered if I could actually drive - the amount of time it took for me to finally pull off. A couple of bunny hops down the high street in Auckland - and then plain sailing (or driving..) from there. Oooo - must tell you about our flight from Australia. I am still in awe of the damn cheek / stupdity of one guy on the flight - who thought that a 3 hr flight was far too long without a fag. Decided a quick one in the toilet would go unnoticed - dear me! He stank the cabin out - and it took all 10 secs before flight attendants descended upon the crazy fool, I was hoping to see him get arrested and a sharp beating administered when we'd disembarked - I suspect a hefty fine awaits him when he gets home. Anyway - in Rotorua today. Been all the way to the top - Cape Reinga - fantastic place. Amazing - where the Tasman meets the Pacific Ocean. We had a lovely day for it - damn hard walking tho'. Bay of Islands was also very lovely - it's just an amazing country. We've only seen a tiny fraction driving around - and by all accounts the South island is a jaw dropping experience. Acted like true tourists today and did a tour of Hobbiton. Pics to follow. Toodle pip xx
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