Hiroshima, Day 2.
09.00, waking up in Hiroshima, no signs of radioactive poisoning so far! Today we had 2 trips planned, the first back to the ABOMB site and meeting with an actual survivor. One of the most compelling stories ive ever heard. This man had a special passport type register to show he was a survior and told us about his family and everything they went through. We did a longer walk around the area today where we stopped at the actual Hyposenter of the explosion, really powerfull stuff being able to stand there (picture including in album).
We were told that once we entered the museum we could end up spending hours and hours looking at all the different things in there, I thought id be able to do a good run of it but just after walking in the front door and watching the first video screen the pace dramatically slowed down. I almost cant describe the next hour + i spent in the museum, the only thing i can compare it to in my life was visitng Aushwitz. Not cool.
Ill never forget some of the artifacts they had in there. One display case had a mans wrist watch that had frozen at the exact time of impact. Another one was the childrens rusty broken tricycle, one to name a few. The before and after airial shots were absolutely mind blowing aswell. I could litterally do an entire entry on just the ABOMB / PEACE museum so ill just leave the rest up to pictures.
After a good lunch we set off to a very famous island called Miajima Island, the home of the Torri Gate, one of the 3 most scenic spots in all of japan. Me and a few others decided to skip the hike to the top of the mountain and instead walked around the island to where the beach was. First swim in Asia! the water looked cold and the same as in norway but jumping in, i knew it was different:)
After a quick swim and feeding the roaming deer that live on the island we watched the sun set over the Torri gate, just stunning. On the way back to the hotel on the train we played a good round of cards (presidenten which i taught all the aussies:p) we went out to dinner. The atmosphere at the dinner is the best i think ive ever experienced. We started of with a couple of beers and eventually joined with a group of maybe 6 japanese baseball fans from the next table. It couldnt have been a better bunch ive joined on this GAP tour. I said to the japanese guy, "im big baseball fan, me BATSMAN" and we laughed, drank and chatted for hours, he even gave me the shirt off his back with his favourite player!! I got them all to sign the back of it and the whole gang took crazy amounts of pictures.
So really the full day in Hiroshima has easily been the best so far, from the incredible museum to the gorgeous island, topped off with the best dinner yet, it really made my year.
At this point in time im sitting in the hotel lobby in Kyoto, the old capital of japan before it became tokyo, we`ll be staying here for two nights and we`ll be hitting the cities hotspot for Geishas and a good dinner. Next entry will probably be tomorrow or in a few days from Tokyo or Mt Fuji.
Rock n roll, matt.
PS`s: I keep forgetting to add everything!! we also went to Hiroshima castle (brilliant!) and lots of other stuff in the photos, ill put text with the pictures when i have free internet and am not paying 100 yeb pr 15 mins so hang with me!
- comments
eirin Får så lyst å reisa eg og !!
Meg Suns du kunne skreve på norsk Mattis:p e litt vanskeli på engelsk :D men ekstremt kjekt å lese den uansett ! (: