Hey so here is our second blog we wil try to tell you a bit more in this one about what we have been up to.
So Day 3....We left our hotel at 6:30 in the morning to be picked up by the bus which was taking us to Kanchanaburi. It arrived half an hour late and matt was bricking it thinking it wasn't going to turn up - but i kept the faith for us both.
So we set off on the 2 and half hour journey.First stop was the war cemetery where we had half an hour to have a look round and read some interesting stuff about the death railway. We then went on to the Jeath War museum which is a stones throw from the bridge over the river kwai. The views were really good so you will have lots of nice scenic pictures to look at. Was quite bizarre as we had loads of foreign ladies taking picture of us with their group we didn't really know what was going on but just
After a quick walk on the bridge we set off for lunch on a floating hotel. This turned out to be quite eventful as one of the buses decided to explode so we ended up cramming about 18 people on a small mini van, as you can imagine it was rather sweaty.We were taken to a floating hotel for lunch which we later found out was our accomodation for the evening. We had yellow thai curry which was so good and other bits of thai food.
After this it was back on the bus and off to a waterfall - this was stunning but absolutely packed as it was a saturday so lots of people having picnics. Also saw a guy begging who had a broken leg which was quite sick and nearly made matt bring up the lunch. We only had a short stop here, then it was back on the bus for an hours drive to the Tiger Temple.
The tiger temple was alot smaller than we thought but we had loads of pictures taken with Tigers which was good fun. One of them was huge and it looked like im sitting on it which is well funny. We had an hour wandering around in the blazing heat with a couple of friends we met called Gemma and Pete who are really sound. We exchanged numbers as we were heading back to our floating hotel and they were going back to Bangkok.
The highlight of the holiday so far has to be our evening meal on the hotel followed by a couple of Chang beers sat on the waters edge watching the boats go by. It was so peaceful and just really hit us how far away we are. Jo i have been teaching Matt how to play sh*thead and he is actually starting to enjoy it i think. Well we couldn't think of any other 2 player card games to play.
It was our first night without aircon - but overall it was not bad and we are now very glad we didn't bring our sleeping bags. The room was beyond basic but we loved it - you literally showered over the river just stood on a few planks of wood - but it was ensuite. I also had a lizard pay me a visit which was nice!
The next day we were due to head back to Bangkok so we just spent the morning chilling on the River Kwai and reading our books. It had been such a manic 2 days it was nice to chill out and not be sweating too much.
When we got back to Bangkok we caught a 14 hour overnight train to Chiang Mai which Gemma and Pete happened to be on in the seats in front. It is still a small world over here. The train was fairly basic - literally a hole in the ground for the toilet. The beds were bunks either side which folded out from the seats. A guy came round and asked us if we wanted to go to bed & then made the beds for us! Get waited on hand and foot which is cool considering the train was only a tenner each!!
Which brings us to now, Monday 2pm in Chiang Mai. Haven't been on our trek yet or seen the Golden Triangle so that is all to follow later in the week. Gonna head off for some Italian food now, can't resist, plus we havent eaten a thing all day.
Will try to upload the photos at the first proper chance. Hope everyone is well,
Love Matt & Carly xxx
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