So Berg is on the Blog writing now and just to set a few things straight i did not freak out about the madgascan fish - one of them actually bit me and i have a little scar to prove it!Also my team won the first game but Matt's won the second 2 but only because my team weren't as willing to take all their clothes off as his was!
So we are on Day 93:
Well we got to Rockahampton and camped at a Big 4 which was pretty rubbish considering how expensive they are. Anyway we got up early and set off for Hervey Bay. We decided to skip Bundaberg as time is starting to get low and the only thing we really wanted to do was the Rum Tasting and Factory tour. Plus the sun was blazing and we really wanted to catch some good weather on Fraser as we hadn't had it on Whitsundays! It was a long drive and we finally got there about 3pm, on the way we managed to pass an orange farm - so we stopped in there and picked up a massive box of oranges for $10. It is huge and they just leave them on a table and then you put your money in an honesty box, it is so cute! When we got to Hervey Bay we stopped at the information place to find out about all the permits and tickets we needed. They were really useful and told us of a super cheap campsite where you get free breakfast!
Next stop was the marina to book all of our permits. The woman behind the counter was a complete b****!!! She was useless she jsut gave us loads of paper and that was it - didn't tell us ferry crossing times or where to catch it or anything that we might actually need to know. As soon as she had handed us our permits she just started chatting on the phone. After that we were both in a bad mood so had an early night and just hoped that we would figure it all out in the morning.
Day 94:
So today we did some food shopping and then set off for Fraser, we soon found out we had to drive 20k's to get to our ferry crossing. Once we got there we realised there was no petrol station so we had to drive all the way back to Hervey Bay to get fuel - so we ended up getting on a slightly later ferry. We arrived on the island with the tyres deflated and 4wd on only to go straight up a dead end. From then on it was awesome off-roading. Matt was absolutely loving it despite thinking the car was going to fall apart every 5 minutes. Our first stop was Lake Mackenzie which was absolutely stunning. The only thing that ruined it was just how many people there were there. After about an hour there we headed to Lake Wabby lookout which was awesome - despite being so sunny that we have all our eyes closed in the pictures.
It was starting to get dark so we thought we better find a decent spot co camp. We drove up the beach for about 20km before reaching Pyungan campsite. We were the only people there and it was literally just us on the beach with only a sand dune to protect us from the wind. We set up camp and then made a cup of tetleys tea before heading over our dune to the beach to watch the moon and stars. We had quite a bit of fun taking stupid moon pictures as you will see from the pics.
Day 95:
Today we had alot of sightseeing to do - so we got up early and packed up as we were gong to camp in the north of the island. First stop was Eli creek - on the way i had a go at driving on the beach. It was horrible the car just kept drifiting to other peoples tracks so it just felt like you weren't in control and Matt just kept telling me to go faster. After about 10minutes i made him take over.
Eli Creek is really pretty its a fresh water creek that runs into the sea. Next stop was the Maheno wreck which is a massive ship wreck right on the beach. After this we decided to follow a tour bus as he would be going to the best places. Soon after we started following we saw a dingo on the beach just sunning itself - it looked pretty vicious though and we were quite glad it we were in the car! Next stop was the Pinnacles - nothing like the pinnacles on the West Coast but still quite pretty! Then we drove on to Red Canyon which is a massive canyon made of red sand. After this was Indians Head which is a really good lookout for spotting whales, dolphins, stingrays and sharks. We climbed all the way up and it had some stunning views. When we got up the top we managed to see about 6 dolphins, mantarays and humpback whales. It was awesome.
We then tried heading a but further north to Waddy point and the Champagne pools but the sand was so boggy leading on to the track that we got bogged twice. The second time was my fault as i made him try it again. So after digging ourselves out we decided it probably wasn't worth getting ourselves stuck again and headed back down the beach. We saw 2 other cars get bogged in the same bit as well and they had brand new 4x4's so we were glad we weren't the only ones. Plus Big daddy seemed to get out of it alot easier then they all did.
We stopped off at Eli Creek again for a bite to eat, before heading back to the place we camped the night before. There were loads of jellyfish washed up on the beach so no wonder they wouldn't let you swim. We kept trying to avoid them but loads of them were splattered. In the evening we just chilled out under the stars again and a crazy moon that was bright orange.
Day 96:
We absolutely loved Fraser Island and were quite sad to leave cause the weather had been beautiful and so had everything that we had seen. But we drove all the way down to the south of the island half of which was in some very boggy sand on the beach and the other half was inland. We then caught the ferry back to Rainbow beach. The weather was looking ridiculously grey in rainbow beach so we washed the car and had some lunch. Rainbow beach was pretty but really small and as the weather was turning nasty we thought we better hit the road. So we drove all the way to Landsborough which is just north of Brisbane so that we can hit The Australian Zoo tomorrow home of the late Steve Irwin.
Look out for the next blog as it's all about the zoo and theme parks - we are poor travellers i swear what else are you supposed to do when the weathers bad!
Lots of Love
Carly and Matt x x
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