had to be done. although dont really know what it means. film right? hmm. so ive been in naaaaaaaaaam for 2 days now. have been eventful. got directed on to wrong bus from phonm penh, then they realised, and paid a moto driver to cane me like a lunatic through the mad streets and caught another bus. this bus sped like crazy to a ricketty old weird family boat, and so then myself and 2 old men were cramped up in some wellllllll dodgy boat cruisin along the mekong river to the vietnam border. then finally caught my real boat 'luxury' boat apparently, and there were about 6 or 7 old grannies on it... thinking not the most fun journey, but then they all got off, and i got whisked through customs (a hut by the river) and then onto the boat. me. just me. yurrrrrrrrrrrp only me. huge boat, just me and 4 or 5 vietnamese dudes and a gal. well weird. no english spoken by myself still since leaving the guesthouse at 6am, and i ended up sleeping on one of the loungers outside all the way, bit burnt but ok, kinda, then reaching the town. got off and was taken by some old fat man on a bicycle/tuktuk to my paid for hotel/guesthouse. pretty pimpin, but hmm. only person. 50 room place. onlyyyyyyyyyyy guy there. soooooo gota bike to town. only white face around, strutting around tall as can be, kids dangling from my ankles and shoulders, little people in pointy 'nam hats trying to flog me crap. got some dinner then went back to the hotel and was aslepp by 7pm! incredible time of day to sleep. woke up at 6 again and to my joy i saw some blonde hair walk past my window. happy days, someone to talk to. no english for a whole day. did my head in. so got on a bus with a load of dutch irish aussies etc... then a few boats and buses and temple stops and finaly to saigon now. found a crazy little gaff in some old blokes roof. costs half of everything else here, and has cable tv in my room! have to go down 3 dirty smelly alleys and up a ladder but its cool. tv and fan at end of my bed. big bed. roof view is ok. nice alley. have to watch my head as its not quite high enough to stand up in. only room in the place. very strange place. only here for a few nights. seems friendly enough. hopefully my bag is still there when i get back from my late night city wander. gona go to the vietnam war tunnels and museums 2mo, looking forward to that, then the beach soon as! the guys kicking me outa here now so gota shoot but ill put photos on sometime this week of vietnam, well cool place. dirt cheap too. much more so then cambodia which is good coz i spent so much though. live life to the full and all that bladidarrrrrrrr. ok. off to shower and change and then hit a bar to watch the chapions league and hava few beers with random. all good
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