Gday all, time has come again to work!! was supposed to begin the pain today, but its been raining hardcore so we start tomorrow... what have i been up to? as ya can see from the photos, a lot! fraser island was unbelievable good, we had awesome weather fro most of it and a really nice group. josh hada great time, i got to drive for a while, we saw lots of wild dingoes, huge waves from the cyclone thingy, fooled around on huge sand dunes, had campfires, music, wine, bbqs everything a great self drive camping trip should be! the lakes were as beautful if not more than i remember too. then we bussed back to brisbane, still travelling with the dutchman Bas and dave from huddersfield, and me and josh checked into a great hostel by the river. had pool, free net, 30person dorm(too many honeys..omg) and great pub intigrated. on our last night together, me and joshy went to the bar and there was a pimps and hoes party going on, however unfortunately i forgot to pack my white suit and bling cane in my backpack, but everyone joined in anyway and the karaoke was on all night too. hada good old oasis dont look back in anger duet with squashy, which went down well, gota love the oasis singalong. hada great night, then set off in the morning for tenterfield. wherever that is. said byes to josh, on ya own now buddy!!!! you'll be cool.
so tenterfield. its basically 6 hours inland, staying in a huge heritage listed lodge with about 20 other pickers, half are korean, dont know why, dead funny guys though, and the rest are either english dutch or ze germanz. i have 4 mins left of my net time... so gona cram in.. ok, this town is small, middle of nowhere, very wet very VERY COLD, well about 8C at night, shock to the system i tell youse, and fairly chilly in the day, but its supposed to get better soon, a big LOw is over us at the moment, so today i was supposed to be working picking capsicum (green peppers) but its was too wet and thundery so we do double tomorrow. we all wake up at 5 and head off 30km out further into middle of nowhere and pick til about 3/4 pm so ive been told, and ya get a doller per bucket filled and most guys get at least 70, after a weeks reliability i can move onto tomatoes which are more money and at a better height, capsicum grow on the ground so its supposed to be pretty backbreaking work dammit! but need the money as i only have wats in my pocket...........$4.20... no worries, ill be back on the road to riches after the first week, anyway time up now, going back through the storms for more poker and watching tv, before early night and early start! will let u know how it goes hopefully tomorrow arvo!!!! matX
hope ya hava safe trip josh call ya soon
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