allo mon amies bonjour salut ca va.
im now unfortuntely sweating greatly and feeling annoyed with the current diet. spiders. this annoys me substantially. and some weird pigeon crap i have no idea what these guys eat out here but it makes them insane drivers but strangley talented at the same time. went ofor a big last night in siem riep. i love siem riep, had such a great time out there visiting the floating villages and the ankor temples. i hoped i could put photos on by now, however after an hour of wasting my time waiting for the slow pc in siem riep to transfer the pics it said to me, ' hello mathew, im gona really really piss u off and cut off the internet connection just as you've nearly finished doing your website'. so had to pay up a few dollars for notin then stomp off annoyed. part and parcel of travelling in poor countries i suppose. even in the capital city here, they dont have the capabilities. sorry folks! but they say vietnam is alot more techno luvin so should get them on there soon. maybe in my next town, sihanoukville, i'll have more luck. so today i wokr up drunk and piled into a local bus towards the station and got on a bigger bus to get here. looked ok from first view, but nope, broke down FOUR times,and the road was really good too so no excuses bout that!! 8 hours later i arrive and the guesthouse seems ok, have cable tv, so gona watch the england tonight at 10.55. then ive booked my ticket straight outa this city and to the BEACH!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah, went to the landmine museum yesterday too, so shocking, photos coming soon will explain more. everywhere in cambodia you see people with missing limbs and eyes and minds. really sad, some just beg, but some ride around on bikes just using their hands selling books etc. so bought the new vietnam lonely planet book for $4 american dollars, which aint bad seeing as they are 14.99quid new in the uk... the floating village was awesome, and i got to pilot the boat around the lake. if u look on a map, check out the size of the lake in the middle of cambodia. thats where people live on, floating shanty town,. pretty cool. got a snake put round me too an have cool pic of me kissing it. and crocs too!!! they only told me this after i had flipped of the boat and went for a swim with these little kids in dinner trays as boats. really cool day. went to the national stadium today too, just strolled in and got stared at by everyone, a game was going on so i just sat down and watch with the crazed locals they love football but they know nothing about who they're watching!!! tomorrow cambodia play singapore but im outa here, beach needed. outside the stadium there were hundreds of teenagers playing footy in lots of little games,all taking it really seriously, really funny. me and my mates adam and jose are the only white boys we've seen, which is really really weird, just bopping down a high street with thousands of people just doing stuff, dont know what, and everyones on motorbikes. no cars, too expensive. so weird everyone staring at me, like being really famous!!! adam had a rooney england shirt on and i swear if one more person shouted at rooney across the street he would have got insane lol. loads more things gone on last few days, so much happens every day i love it.
so dans conclusion, im off to the south coast tomorrow on my own, gona meet some new homies and kick start the tannage. football on the beach much needed. gona hang around there a while if its good. supposed to be. no backpackers at all here, supposed to be more at the beach so looking forward to meeting new people. then back here, and a 3 day boat into Vietnam via the Mekong river and into Saigon.
bout 4 hours til footy now, probs gona get a bit of kip and then wake up get some food and find a local bar with loooocal people to watch it in. ok, adios
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