This is our last week in Ecuador. Thought we would have to find our way to Jim's on our own but, there he was at the airport, with a sign saying "Shane & Mary" and a big grin on his face. They got home a day early from their bike trip. So nice to be home!
Arriving from sea level to Quito was a bit of a challenge especially with the head cold I'm fighting. So, fighting a cold as well as the effects of high altitude what would you choose to do on your first full day? Probably not what we chose but... there just aren't that many clear days here in Quito.
The day we flew in all three snow capped volcanos were visible from the city. A beautiful sight for sure. The next morning looked to be almost as clear so we packed ourselves up and headed to TeleferiQo, a multimillion dollar sky tram that transported us up to the top of Cruz Loma. At 13,500 feet you begin a hike that takes you well over the 14,000 mark and still climbing towards Rucu Pichincha Volcano. I didn't get as far as Jim, Adam and Shane but it was worth it to see the incredible view.
We've taken it easy this week and it has been good. After our breathless hike we headed to Plaza San Francisco in the old city and got terribly lost. Back and forth up the wrong way on one way streets and finding places Jim had never seen before. Ate a great meal while people watching at the plaza.
If you're ever in Quito the Museum Banco is a must. It is a good idea to get a guide (for tips). Following the history of different tribes in Ecuador you end with, of course, the Inca and the history of gold. Kind of fun to watch Jim and Adam drool in that room!
I must be feeling a little better because I was able to understand Adam that night when he taught us a game called a******. I went from President to a****** in one hand and still had a good time.
Shane and I found our way around Old Town the next day by ourselves. Took a trolly bus there (for 25cents you can go from one end of the town to the other). Did the walking tour which was really interesting until we got absolutely drenched as the skys opened up near the end of the day. Waiting for a lull in the rain we dashed from cover to cover until we reached the trolly station. Just as we approached our stop the rain came down so hard we couldn't hear each other talk so we decided to stay on to the end and come back in hopes it would slow down. Nope!! Sat at the station for 20 minutes then made a dash for a cab. By the time we found Jim and Adam the heavens were in full flood. Thankfully they took in our laundry before they left to meet us and, as good tour guides, brought us our rain jackets.
Now to the title of this blog.....
Today we went north to the Equator ... the real equator. There is one big Disneyland like place which is actually 200 meters from the actual place. What an interesting place. We tried to walk the equator with eyes closed and found it was almost impossible to keep your balance. We saw a pretty convincing demonstration showing water going straight down the drain on the equator and clockwise / counterclockwise just a meter either side of the center. We were all able to balance an egg on the nail. This all sounds kind of wacky but it was really interesting to see all the demonstrations. As a side bar there were the usual tourist traps and I am proud to announce that yours truly actually hit a cactus target with a dart from a blow gun. Yeahhhh!!!
Feeling proud and just a little adventurous (not to mention a lot better) I convinced Jim and Shane (Adam stayed home) to try Cuy (ginnie pig... the national dish) for lunch. We did it and it wasn't too bad. The good news is that I probably won't ever have to do that again. Brought the head and part of the body home for Adam (who had never tried it). We hid inside a Domino's Pizza box. Poor guy thought we'd brought him lunch only to be confronted by a toothy grin and bent claw. Later Shane and Adam played a game of crib.... loser had to eat the head.... which here, in Ecuador, is considered a delicacy. Adam lost for the first time that day.... Shane hasn't stopped bragging since.
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