Look forward to see the video & photo's from your Sky Dive! . . .
Whats Next? . . . . .
Word up you kiwi overlord! I must say, it's very strange being on the other side of the blog dialogue. I had to think for a second when the computer made me add up 5 and 4 before I could send you a message!!
Sounds like you're having an amazing time bud. I particularly like the story about the sleepwalking weirdo in the hostel. Glad to hear America isn't the only place where hostels double up as a refuge for the subnormal and mentally unsound. It looks terrifying on the Sky Tower! Hope you've recovered from the flights and are settling into solo travelling. I'm sure it's a refreshing change not having that ugly sod with the big eyebrows with you all the time. Will send you a message on facebook 2mo - check out the drunken pics from Swansea.
Keep it real, Mike.
PS I think 'Arsene Wenger' is understating it slightly by calling Lehman's mistake an 'error'. It was the most side-splittingly hilarious, ridiculous howler-clanger cock-up-to-end-all-cock-ups disaster I've ever witnessed. God bless that comedy German!
PPS I love you xxx
Hi Martin I have read all your
Hi Martin I have read all your blogs and looked at the photos of New Zealand they are very good.Glad you are enjoying yourself. Hope you don't get frostbite. Cheerio for now. Love Nan. xx.
Heard you are away just now so thought I'd keep you up to date with Arsenal and football while your away. Today we came through from being a goal behind due to Lehmann error to beat Reading 2-1 with goals in the last 10 minutes from Van Persie Hleb. We were strong mentally and physically - this team is resilient. It was a test because we made it difficult for ourselves. Other results ths weekend were Liverpool beat Villa 2-1 away. Chelsea beat Birmingham 3-2 at home and Mau U were held by Reading at home 0-0. I will update you as the season progresses. Enjoy New Zealand
Hi, great to speak to you this morning on skype. Hope you had a good sleep and are over the jet lag now. Photos of Auckland are brill, especially the ones looking down past your feet on top of the Sky Tower. Have a great day. PS Spurs lost 1-0 to Sunderland, goal scored in the 94 minute, James will be gutted. Arsenal play Fulham tomoz.
Mum & Dad
Kia Ora Martin!
Fantastic Photos!
Looks AMAZIN! . . . . .
Dad said it was great to talk to you! Good Old Sykpe!
Hope you get over the Jet Lag Soon!
Ka kite ano! M & D XX
Kia ora Martin!
Sounds like your heading for an amazing time! . . . .
Good to get a Blog Update so soon! Thanks!
Ka kite ano! XX
Welcome to New Zealand.. just read your blog, sounds like you've had a very full first day. At least you have a couple of days free before the travels start again. Looking forward to pics. c u Dad.
Mum & Dad
Kia ora MartinHaere mai to New Zealand!Tena koeKei te pehea koe?Ka kite anoMum & Dad XX
New Zealand Tourist Board
How Do You Say Onehunga, Whangamomona, Kahikatea, and Nguru?
Maori consists of five vowel sounds: a e i o u ('a' as in 'car', 'e' as in 'egg', 'i' like the 'ee' in 'tee', 'o' as in 'four', 'u' like an 'o' in 'to'). There are eight consonants in Maori similar to those in English ? 'h', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'r', 't', and 'w'. There are also two different consonants ? 'wh' and 'ng'. Many Maori pronounce the 'wh' sound similar to our 'f'. The 'ng' is similar to our own 'ng' sound in a word like 'sing', except that in Maori, words can start with 'ng'.
Kia ora = Gidday!
An attempt by a visitor to use Maori greetings will almost certainly elicit a delighted response from both Maori and Pakeha (European) New Zealanders.
Kia ora ? Hello Kia ora tatou ? Hello everyone Tena koe ? Greetings to you (said to one person) Tena koutou ? Greeting to you all Haere mai ? Welcome Nau mai ? Welcome Kei te pehea koe? ? How's it going? Kei te pai ? Good Tino pai ? Really good Haere ra ? Farewell Ka kite ano ? Until I see you again (Bye) Hei konei ra ? See you later
Hi son, hope your flights are not any more eventful than Machester airport this morning, what with the power surge knocking out all the check in desks. Well your on the way now and look forward to the first Blog installments. See You Dad.
Good Morning Redono Beach LA
Check out the Words to "Surfin USA!"
Think you've been almost everywhere it mentions!
Santa Cruz, Redono, La Jolla, Manhatten & one or two places you're heading to next!
Enjoy Redono ~ Sounds Amazing! Look forward to next update!