When I named you Martin I thought it was a good solid name, no fancy spelling but hey Hargin ~ thats gotta be the best so far! It's The Same Lanuage " But Not As We Know It!" . . . .
Am just reading "Don't Tell Mum" email tales of Gap Year Travels but it don't compare to your stories! They are looking for tales for Volume 2 ~ think you & Mike will be able to contribute!
Martin Jol
Hi, hope your having a good time! Just thought i would keep you up to date, got some good news HENRY is on his way to barcelona!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Who is the best team in north London????
See you in Sydney
Sorry about the spelling in the last message, my head hurts and my hands and eyes aren't functioning properly!! Paul
Hi Martin, just thought I would leave a quick message to say hello! How was your journey? I don't envy you at all having to use the greyhound again! I am currently suffering from a serious hangover! We thought we would check out the local nightlife and after a loads of Guinness and wine we eventually made it back to te hostel a few hours ago! Katie has yet to emerge from the room!! Anyway, hope you are still enjoying your travels, I don't see anymore "annoyed" photos so I presume you are! Have fun, Paul and Katie
Hi Son, many thanks for calling me on Sunday, it was great to hear from you. Also seeing the pictures of San Fran & Vegas, your getting some great shots now, really quite professional. Have a great time Yosemite, hope you get close to the giant Redwoods. TTFN Dad. Hi Son, many thanks for calling me on Sunday, it was great to hear from you. Also seeing the pictures of San Fran & Vegas, your getting some great shots now, really quite professional. Have a great time Yosemite, hope you get close to the giant Redwoods. TTFN Dad.
Amazing Photos! Great to see San Francisco again! Looking Good!
Great to talk to you & catch up on all the news!
Enjoy Yosemite! . . . . .
Mum XX
Hey Dad!
Catch Up With You Later!
Love Martin ;-)
Hey Sounds like you had an amazing day! Glad you made it to Alcatraz! If you get chance try & take a Boat Trip around The Bay! You'll get great views of The City, The Prision & The Golden Gate Bridge!
Say Hi to Todd! It'll be great to meet up with him again!
And off on another Cruise! . . . .
Wonder who you take after? . . .
Don't forget to CLIMB THE WALL! ! !
I've been having so much fun reading about your adventures stateside. Great to see you both having a good time.
Keep burning the candle at both ends!
Good to hear from you! Just wrote you LONG email with All The News & LOST IT!
Never Mind! Glad you enjoying SAN FRAN! Look forward to see the Photos!
Hi Son... well you've made it to the Pacific coast, well done!! And what a place to arrive at San Francisco , one of mum's and my most favourite places, may be the most favourite. Have a great time, do get down to Pier 39. Hope you can post some photo's soon. Bye for now Dad.