Good evening readers, I have just arrived in the Art Deco town of Napier, i'm right on the coast and can see the huge waves coming in from my window! Well, i've been upto all sorts in the past few days, I arrived in Taupo yesterday afternoon, and no sooner I'd arrived I'd met a couple of great mates from Holland and Germany. We set off towards the Hidden Valley, just outside Taupo. What an amazing place, the owner took us across to the valley in a small boat and dropped us off, felt like something from a movie, as all around us were hot stream rising from incredable landscapes, the trek lasted about an hour and we found amazing caves and all kinds of hot springs, the water is so hot!
This morning, before I headed south to Napier, I thought I'd slip in a 15,000 ft sky dive over lake Taupo...
...WOW! I'm still buzzing 5 hours later! Trying to describe this is going to be difficult, but i'll give it ago! Taupo is one of the best places to sky dive in the world, and the highest you can go at 15,000 ft! No sooner i'd arrived and picked my package which includes an amazing DVD of myself with my face wobbling like i've never seen before and a CD packed full of shots, I was all ready in my jump suit climbing through the clouds! I flew up with another couple, but they jumped out at 12,000 ft, so it was just me, the bloke attached to my back and the camera man, oh and of course the pilot!
The green light came on and we were good to go, honestly I couldnt wipe the smile from my face, I wasnt scared at all, I was so excited, the hatch rolled up and over we moved to the ledge... moment, i'm free falling through the air at 200 kph plumiting towards earth, incredable, the rush is amazing, to think you are just falling through the air! Even now I cant believe I jumped out of a plane this morning! After over 60 seconds of freefall, the parachute is pulled and then you get the most stunning views of NZ, from coast to coast, flying right over Lake Taupo! Its weird, because I could niether see the chute or the guy behind me, felt as though I was just floating around in the sky. I want to go again!!!
Check out the 3 new albums!
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